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Tax hikes?

El Karacho1647545492

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Okay so the big thing that everyone loses their shit about every election is that the Demoncrats are going to bump taxes sky-high.


Everything I've seen so far about the Obama administration has involved tons of "federal tax credits" aimed at helping people in certain demographics avoid unusually high taxes. When I tried to find where the losses are being recouped, I couldn't really find anything definite.


So what's the deal? Everyone is crapping their pants about the impending doom that we'll be feeling when the taxes blow through the roof but I haven't heard anything about how/when its going to happen?


Anyone more knowledgeable on this topic than I am?




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IMO, shit is being cleverly disguised. Bottom line is nothing get's paid for without being paid for. He is largely targeting families with incomes over $250k and individuals with incomes over $200k. Now my wife and I know plenty of people that meet those guidelines and I can say 100% for certain that they aren't going to take any amount of tax increase without taking it right back.


My brother in law and his wife are both MD's and guess what....a $42k per year increase in taxes. Where is it coming from....they let go one of their assistants and a filing clerk. Sorry to say, but they aren't going to give up $42k just like you and I won't give up $2k without recouping it.


Tax the well-off and they will take it right back. Gov't wise, if you don't think you're being taxed, then look at your property tax, school levy's being passed, tax on smokes, etc....it all adds up. Trickle down economics.


I'm sure there's more, but those are just off the top of my head. Hell, even my wife raised her hourly rates by $25hr to offset our increased tax burden and costs.

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IMO, shit is being cleverly disguised. Bottom line is nothing get's paid for without being paid for. He is largely targeting families with incomes over $250k and individuals with incomes over $200k.


I think the OP's point is that nothing's happened yet. Obama has postponed pushing for all of the tax hikes he talked about during the campaign until the economy recovers. So this whole EVERYBODY PANIC thing seems a bit... odd.


I'm inclined to agree. At the moment everything is just idle speculation.


ETA: Editorial on the stimulus package and taxes - http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2010/01/25/too-dumb-to-thrive/

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I think the OP's point is that nothing's happened yet. Obama has postponed pushing for all of the tax hikes he talked about during the campaign until the economy recovers. So this whole EVERYBODY PANIC thing seems a bit... odd.[/url]


Yeah this is what I'm talking about.


I think everyone felt pretty good about the tax situation in the Bush era; I think the idea was not that the moderate tax cuts would just put money in people's pockets, but that people would save and invest, and companies would be able to hire more people and pay current employees more. Definitely sound reasoning, since no one saw the housing bubble bursting.


However, we look back and see the causes of the economic collapse; lenders were loaning people's money irresponsibly, and people were spending money irresponsibly. Those noble ideals that were the pillars of the Bush era economic growth have come crashing down and no one really has an answer. Everyone talks about how we need to be more fiscally responsible and save more and dig ourselves out of this pit of entitlement, but even a short time after this debacle I still see the same symptoms of irresponsible spending, both in public and private sectors, but less so in the public.


I always had a problem with big government spending, but I think what everyone still fails to see is what happened when we allowed big corporate spending to get out of hand. I think people will always be more likely to trust a company because they CHOOSE to let that company have their money, whereas it feels like the government TAKES our money without us having a choice. At this point, however, it's become obvious that the corporations are looking out for the corporations, and until recently I think the government was looking out for the corporations too (too big to fail BS).


That leads me to my main point; WHY AM I HAVING TROUBLE TRUSTING OUR GOVERNMENT??? I know I can no longer trust corporations, but it seems like the government is doing quite a bit, at least superficially, to help people more than corporations right now. Is it the fact that we now are in the era of outrage, where pundits from both sides scream bloody murder at the first sign of a disagreement? Or is it that we might be entering a new era where our government is trying to lead the way for corporations to feel responsible to consumers instead of shareholders?


I hope its the latter.



WTF IT MAKES NO SENSE WHY CAN'T I UNDERSTAND WHY HE'S DOING THIS. Either he's too much of a genius for all of us to understand or we're fucked in the next 15 years.



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My property taxes went up...AGAIN. It's awesome being taxed to death.


No shit, my house value the last two years has dropped, and yet my taxes went up... wtf.







Oh, and you're being taxed, just in the form of a 90 bajillion dollar debt for the rest of the United States future.

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Inflation is the backdoor tax. No new taxes, plus additional government spending via printing more money = your money is worth less.


Yep, true. Come on people, you think all those homebuyer credits, cash for clunkers, and stimulus monies just fell out of the sky?


Also true about the wealthy passing it downhill to their employees. My boss loses $50k off the bottom line, and people are getting laid off. How's that unemployment rate working for you? I know scads of people who are college educated, and would die to have $10/hr jobs because they can't find shit.

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Yep, true. Come on people, you think all those homebuyer credits, cash for clunkers, and stimulus monies just fell out of the sky?


Also true about the wealthy passing it downhill to their employees. My boss loses $50k off the bottom line, and people are getting laid off. How's that unemployment rate working for you? I know scads of people who are college educated, and would die to have $10/hr jobs because they can't find shit.




This is clearly Obama's fault. Vote republican next time.

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Not voting at all would be throwing your vote away. Voting libertarian because you don't like either leading candidates isn't throwing away anything. It's taking one more vote away from either candidate, and yet not giving it to either one at the same time.


Does it really make a difference? Hasn't yet. Maybe someday though.

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we can only hope. the greatest chance for America not to fail in the future is the downfall of the 2-party system


I disagree. I think the greatest chance to not fail is the downfall of political apathy. Only then will the 2-party system disappear.

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I disagree. I think the greatest chance to not fail is the downfall of political apathy. Only then will the 2-party system disappear.


political apathy was all the rage between 2000 to 2008, now we're in the era of political outrage. HOW DARE THEY ______________ THATS NOT PRECISELY WHAT I WANT THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO DO THAT!

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Not voting at all would be throwing your vote away. Voting libertarian because you don't like either leading candidates isn't throwing away anything. It's taking one more vote away from either candidate, and yet not giving it to either one at the same time.


Does it really make a difference? Hasn't yet. Maybe someday though.


I always vote for Nader with the exception of the 2nd time Bush Jr was in office. I voted for our Lord and internet blue jeans creator/inventor Gore. That was only because I didn't want Bush Jr in again.

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My property taxes went up...AGAIN. It's awesome being taxed to death.


Reynoldsburg schools plan to seek another property-tax levy in May.


If approved, the proposed levy would raise taxes in four phases: 6.9 mills would be collected in 2011 and an additional 1 mill every year in each of the next three years. If the levy passes, the owner of a $100,000 home would pay $211 more in school taxes in 2011, then another $31 in each of the next three years.
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