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THIS Teacher

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Had a middle school teacher that used to do that. He also had a slingshot that he would shoot chalk at us with. To this day I've never learned more in a class and I'm not being sarcastic. We all respected him, and were constantly enganged in discussions.
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Had a middle school teacher that used to do that. He also had a slingshot that he would shoot chalk at us with. To this day I've never learned more in a class and I'm not being sarcastic. We all respected him, and were constantly enganged in discussions.


i had a HS teacher that would EAT chalk.


anyone who went to gahanna knows who im talking about

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My 11th grade English Lit teacher had one of those monotone voices, no emotion or expression in it at all. Plus she always picked the MOST boring pieces of stories to read out loud. The class was right after lunch, the room was ALWAYS hot.....people were falling asleep right and left. She would roam up and down the aisle, just waiting for someone to nod off, and then she would take that huge thick teacher's edition book, raise it high above her head, and SMASH it on the desk right in front of the sleeper. Goddamn thing sounded like a bomb going off every time, plus the desks were light so the shockwave would bounce your arms into your chin.....
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Edit: 2:30 for LOL if you're impatient, or easily offended.



Throw that away...Black guy says it, its okay...White guy says it, its not.


Only was past it, is to get rid of it.


Stop teaching, half the shit in schools that is taught so I doesn't stir up the next generations, and so on...


Anyway Back On Topics...


Wish I could understand what the Pro. said to the student.

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