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Anyone who thinks that the First amendment does not include all faiths need to just read the constitution and the federalist papers. It is very clear that free speech covers all faiths. Thomas Jefferson said to him it makes no matter what another mans faith is.
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Prisoners shouldn't be allowed to do shit, but serve their time and make license plates. They're not in jail to get to know Jesus, Allah, or The Elder Forest Spirit.


That's pretty equal right ?


AGREED. Especially in California, where the penal system budget is already stretched razor thin. I say provide them with basic lessons on how to read and a library full of religious texts of all faiths. If they want to express religious beliefs, they can do so while Bubba tattoos the inside of their colon with his meat needle.

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From the beginning of the article it looked like the complaint was that someone was trying to get a job with the prison to promote whatever religion and was denied. I'm sure they don't have it in their budget to hire people to represent another 5 religions that maybe 20 people out of the entire prison population would be interested in. If this is the case, I see no wrong doing.


Besides, the constitution says you have a right to religion, but says nothing about the government providing you a way to practice your religion. What they are already doing in the prisons is a courtesy that they don't have to be doing in the first place.

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I think Mike wins the thread. good points.

The shit of it is, the state has on-paper a hierarchy of faiths; which are more important than others. That is what is unconstitutional.


"Together, we claimed that it is unconstitutional for the state to deny the Pagan inmates their religious rights, their religious materials, and their religious services. "

What defines "religious materials"?







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I think Mike wins the thread. good points.

The shit of it is, the state has on-paper a hierarchy of faiths; which are more important than others. That is what is unconstitutional.






If they were to change the word "important" to "common" then there would no longer be an issue.



I'm sure its not actually spelled out like that anyway, but you know what I'm getting at.

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