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big fucking dog.


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This pic made me LOL till I saw the ring on teh guys finger.





But yeah I would NOT want a dog that size. 245 pounds. If that fucker wants something, he's goanna get it! 245 pounds of dog, not fat lazy 40 year old man there is a difference. Cool looking dog though.

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My dad's Mastif was 250 when they first got him. The vet said he was not going to live a long life at that weight so he went on a diet. Now he is a petite 225 but very very calm unless you offer him food :)


They have a 10 month old Mastif pup that is about 130 and is a freaking spaz!


Not sure if this link will work but here they are as my mom tries to feed them treats.



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My dad's Mastif was 250 when they first got him. The vet said he was not going to live a long life at that weight so he went on a diet. Now he is a petite 225 but very very calm unless you offer him food :)


They have a 10 month old Mastif pup that is about 130 and is a freaking spaz!


Not sure if this link will work but here they are as my mom tries to feed them treats.



jesus dude, that one dog is a horse!

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jesus dude, that one dog is a horse!


He is a HUGE baby! When dad is out working on the race car he lays there and won't move. If dad leaves his sight he starts to whimper.


The puppy does not realize how big he is and thinks it is ok to sit on your lap.


Both of them love to just come up and lien on you like most mastifs but the pup likes to take a running start. That is always fun when a dog that size takes a dive at your knees!


Next track event I think my parents are going to bring them to get them used to the noise.

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i dated a chick back in the day had a great dane like that in urbana, fucking dog was huge..... it was calm tho kinda lazy, couldnt get it to chase a ball or nothing waste in my opinion...... lol i remember this one time her mom left the house and we were well we were sexin it up on the couch and jack ( dogs name) came up and licked her ass lol i busted out laughin which caused her to get up all mad and me to go home with unfinished business
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Eh my St Bernard is 190lbs, its not that much bigger


That's like saying someone who's 6'7" 250lbs is not that much bigger than someone who's 5'9" 190lbs. FYI, those are about the same BMI... I know it's a bullshit calc, but it gives a general image.


But a 190lb do is still a big dog.

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