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Online Degrees


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Just takes discipline on your part. It can be quite a bit more convenient since most schools record their live-chats so you can always come back and listen to the lesson later. Or if you just keep up with the required discussion posts, and study enough you might not even need to do that at all.
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I'd like to do Criminal Justice.. three school have jumped out at me so far, Phoenix, Kaplan and Everest.


Well I went to Devry and took a few online classes. My degree is Computer Information Systems with a track in Computer Forensics, which probably covers a lot of the things you would cover in Criminal Justice.


If you are taking a "blowoff" class, or if reading the text book will be enough for you to learn from the class, I'd say go for it. You cant replace the face-to-face interaction, and someone explaining things to you, giving examples and if you have a question you just raise your hand and get an answer immediately. So in ex: taking a programming class online is a terrible idea, because there are too many variables and different situations that can come up, and you just get a better understanding of things face to face.


But with the Forensics classes I took, I had no problem taking them online because its pretty straight forward, heres what you need to do, this is how you do it, here is what the law says, take a quiz and your done. Nothing that you cant learn by simply reading a textbook. There is still online discussion which does make things a little more interesting, or a pain in the ass if discussions are graded and you don't really have anything to add.


At least that was my experience with it.

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ok thanks a lot... im going to continue to do some research on this... hmmm


What are you looking to study? I have a sister in law that teaches at Columbus State and most of her courses are online and quality stuff. I remember feeling like online was a joke, but she's really changed my viewpoint.


Contrasting that however, I'm looking to finish up my MBA and there it's more of a slant to not do online at "some schools" for sure.

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Just become a stripper.


Your CR clients would make your house payment each month alone.



You have the right idea do lots of research before you pull the trigger. I am taking my first online class at Franklin and it looks like it will be a ton of busy work.

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What are you looking to study? I have a sister in law that teaches at Columbus State and most of her courses are online and quality stuff. I remember feeling like online was a joke, but she's really changed my viewpoint.


Contrasting that however, I'm looking to finish up my MBA and there it's more of a slant to not do online at "some schools" for sure.


Honestly, not sure what I want to do in the field but the whole thing interests me quite a bit. Plus I need to get out of IT. I hate it...


Columbus State would be an option too.. didn't know they did it.

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I've had friends that went to Phoenix, and it has it's plus and minus points. The plus is that if you put effort into it you can get a great education for a great price, the negative is that the degree may not be seen the same as the equivalent from a "real" university, whether or not that is true. I say grab any opportunity you have to improve yourself.
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IT isn't bad but if you don't love it, then get out for sure. However, if you're good, look into Health Information Mgt with an IT Twist. I'm likely going to pursue this.


Health care is big, has been and will be in the near to mid-term future. Managing information is always going to be hot too. It's the field I'm in now.


I've done everything that will be taught in the MBA classes, I just need to follow up my 5yr degree now with a piece of paper. Anymore a standard Bachelors degree is expected. Even an MBA is desired for most all the jobs I'm going for and have had. I don't want to be left in the dust when an MBA or advanced degree is required and expected, which IMO, will not be more than a few years from now. Especially as business becomes more complex and the market more competitive.


Kudos for making a go of it.



Honestly, not sure what I want to do in the field but the whole thing interests me quite a bit. Plus I need to get out of IT. I hate it...


Columbus State would be an option too.. didn't know they did it.

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That's in line with what I inferred above. Phoenix is better than nothing, but it's awfully expensive for what you get in terms of how it's viewed in the market place.


I've had friends that went to Phoenix, and it has it's plus and minus points. The plus is that if you put effort into it you can get a great education for a great price, the negative is that the degree may not be seen the same as the equivalent from a "real" university, whether or not that is true. I say grab any opportunity you have to improve yourself.
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Check first that school, and the online program, has worthwhile accreditation. Phoenix has piss poor accreditation and is nearly a scam. Not sure I've heard about Everest even and know little of Kaplan. Basically if it's not a non-profit school then the accreditation is going to be lacking.
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