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The End of the Battery (not that laser thing posted earlier)


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The battery's dead: Scientists invent wafer-thin plastic that can store electricity.


The battery, which has powered our lives for generations, may soon be consigned to the dustbin of history.


British scientists say they have created a plastic that can store and release electricity, revolutionising the way we use phones, drive cars - and even wear clothes.


It means the cases of mobiles and iPods could soon double up as their power source - leading to gadgets as thin as credit cards.


This has the ability to change SO much. Read on and think about it.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1248829/The-end-battery-British-invent-material-looks-like-plastic-store-electricity.html#ixzz0exUsXm0D

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