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Guest Hal

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Kevin, yes I'm aware of that. I'm 99% sure I would have stopped before stepping foot outside, but that doesn't change anything. The concern is, what if I completely lost control and fell into that 1%. Prison doesn't seem like a fun time.


Some of the rest of the responses are pretty funny on here. Some of you need to be reading at a higher level before responding though.


Skinner, no. I have the house across the street from the complex.


And to clarify a little further, the old guy didn't seem to want to come close enough to start a real fight. He was perfectly content talking shit from the other side of the street. Had he come closer as I was climbing over the mountain of snow he created for me, things would have gone very differently.

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Sell me your Cobra we can't have you losing it while your driving it, so I'll make the executive decision here and watch it for you pending you take some classes.


Lol, $18k and it's yours.

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Did u really think you would get a diff response on here? I mean you adimt that u like .01% of this board and yet you post up something that you your self look down upon.?


I used to lose my temper when I was a kid too but never wanted to scare anyone with a gun, you know it was dumb, let's hope u grow up (well learn) from this and maybe until then your wife or other relative should keep your guns.


I'm glad u were stopped but as you said it shouldn't have happened at all especially over some damn snow.... Hope everything else works out or u so you don't have this excuse of my life sucks right now , so u do not end up in jail for something dumb

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Just given you shit! ;) I've lost my cool too at times over the dumbest shit. I get so pissed like I want to flip out and beat someone’s ass. Then once I calm down I can't remember what the big deal was. My G/F is always the level headed one that keeps me out of trouble. Not that it happens often. Glad you didn’t brandish the gun in front of the guy that probably wouldn’t have ended well.

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However, you may want to think about this on a deeper level next time. You can buy a gun -- and so can he. Honestly, you lose your temper on the wrong person and pull a gun out without the intent of firing it and it could be your last time, Hal.


This. This this this. And this.


And this because... well, I don't know why you have guns, but assuming that self-protection is one reason, then you of all people should be fully aware of what YOU would do if somebody walked up to you in the middle of an argument with a rifle and you were armed.


And then the irony is that the snow plow driver would be held up as a hero and a prime example of how his concealed weapon saved his life.

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i dont see the point of this thread




do you want a cookie or something?


+1. I read it as Hal saying "GRRR, HULK MAD!!!" and then a lot of emo pussying around afterwards about how we don't understand the point of his story.


Continue being pissed about life and snowplows, dude...life doesn't get much better if you're hating everyone at 22 years of age. :lol:

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Damn son, I guess if you're name is Hal, you should just keep shit under your hat.


Like none of you fucks ever wanted to draw down on someone and have him break down in frightened tears. Hell, I've wanted to do that to some of you sometimes.



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Damn son, I guess if you're name is Hal, you should just keep shit under your hat.


Like none of you fucks ever wanted to draw down on someone and have him break down in frightened tears. Hell, I've wanted to do that to some of you sometimes.


Dude, he was so angry/flustered that he broke a door trying to get at his guns and had to be stopped by his wife. I'm sure we've all had urges to cheat on our significant others, but I've never been so tempted to tag the babysitter that I broke a door and had to be stopped by my wife. I'm pretty sure I'd be getting divorced at that point. "What, I wouldn't really have done it. Don't judge me from your pedestal. Honey? Where are you going. What's for dinner? Honey?"

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Dude, he was so angry/flustered that he broke a door trying to get at his guns and had to be stopped by his wife. I'm sure we've all had urges to cheat on our significant others, but I've never been so tempted to tag the babysitter that I broke a door and had to be stopped by my wife. I'm pretty sure I'd be getting divorced at that point. "What, I wouldn't really have done it. Don't judge me from your pedestal. Honey? Where are you going. What's for dinner? Honey?"


I wish your wife would have stopped you from buying those wheels for your car.

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Sell your guns.


I'm inclined to agree.


Why get a gun? Get your shovel and toss the snow at his truck. When he rolls his window to yell at you, send another shovelful into his cabin. If you're quick, you'll get a couple in before he rolls his window up.


I like this idea better.


Thats why most people should not have firearms, 1 including myself and thats is why I wont get one.


Stop being a pussy and have some self-restraint?


Damn son, I guess if you're name is Hal, you should just keep shit under your hat.


Like none of you fucks ever wanted to draw down on someone and have him break down in frightened tears. Hell, I've wanted to do that to some of you sometimes.


Can't say I have. :confused:


Beat the shit outta someone - for sure.


Walk into my house, bust down a door, grab a gun, and walk back towards the confrontation only to be stopped by my S/O? - Um.....No. Never. Ever.




Hal, you're smarter than that. If you REALLY can't control your temper better than that, perhaps you should rethink being a gun owner. You're making the legit ones look bad.


Does anyone condone the Alabama professor for snapping? I'm sure there was a straw on her camel's back as well.


If the thought even crosses your mind to bring a gun into a situation like that, you need to rethink some things, no matter how mad you may be.



I also don't know the situation completely, so I'm just going off what's posted here. I'm also going to play the Devil's advocate and ask, could the plow guy really control where the snow's going? If he's traveling parallel to your sidewalk, it's not like he can control the snow that's flying out the side. Those guys have a hard enough job in conditions like this. I try to cut them some serious slack.

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Get rid of your guns and buy something less political. You'd of gotten all of your stuff taken away had your wife not intervened.


Keep an axe, machete, etc for situations like this. No need to ever bring a gun to a fight that didn't even start.


If you wanted to escalate it some, you should have just slapped him in the face.

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