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Guest Hal

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Hal, you're smarter than that. If you REALLY can't control your temper better than that, perhaps you should rethink being a gun owner. You're making the legit ones look bad.


Does anyone condone the Alabama professor for snapping? I'm sure there was a straw on her camel's back as well.


If the thought even crosses your mind to bring a gun into a situation like that, you need to rethink some things, no matter how mad you may be.



I also don't know the situation completely, so I'm just going off what's posted here. I'm also going to play the Devil's advocate and ask, could the plow guy really control where the snow's going? If he's traveling parallel to your sidewalk, it's not like he can control the snow that's flying out the side. Those guys have a hard enough job in conditions like this. I try to cut them some serious slack.



1000% this. There was no reason for the gun to have been in this scenario.... Unless you just aren't telling us something.

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My plan(s) don't involve guns 98% of the time...


Nor do mine. I never actually touched one of them, had I really wanted to I would have walked right past my wife and grabbed one. It's really not that difficult to step around someone if you really want something. Considering 90% of my aggression was gone with the door, I sincerely doubt I would have done more than gone into the room even if I was alone.


Fact is, this wasn't posted to be complete story or something to debate about. I'm perfectly aware of where my mind was and I'm perfectly aware that what could have happened (brandishing, shooting, etc...) would have required a complete loss of control. Fortunately, I have never lost complete control and do not plan to. I posted this more as a written confession to myself, a public acknowledgment of a flawed action . I'm sure most of you have figured out that your opinion doesn't mean anything to me, so I never really cared what you guys would say.


All that being said, please continue with your conversations.

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Dude, he was so angry/flustered that he broke a door trying to get at his guns and had to be stopped by his wife. I'm sure we've all had urges to cheat on our significant others, but I've never been so tempted to tag the babysitter that I broke a door and had to be stopped by my wife. I'm pretty sure I'd be getting divorced at that point. "What, I wouldn't really have done it. Don't judge me from your pedestal. Honey? Where are you going. What's for dinner? Honey?"




P.S. Tyler get out of this thread before you and Hal get into a fight and you both quit CR again.

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I shot my mail man today. Mother fucker put a bigger letter on top of a smaller letter. I have told him a million fucking times to put them in order, from largest to smallest, bottom up.


Do you think I overreacted?


Not unless you have extreme OCD?

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Ehh shit happens. everyone makes mcsteaks


I'd recommend that next time you keep talking shit to him, throw snow at him, whatever.....then he gets pissed and hopefully gets in your face. Escalate the situation and continue talking shit until he leaves or takes a swing. At that point, it's game on. Or, just laugh at him for being a worthless old piece of shit and don't let it ruin your day

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