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Feedback Appreciated


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So at my firm we just updated our website which we are still working out the kinks and everything involved. Even though I am in South Florida now we are looking for any feedback possible about our website as we know it is a crucial part of business in today's market. If you could please do me a favor and give any feedback/suggestions it would be much appreciated as none of us are website designers or in marketing for that matter.




P.S. We have to use templates from Emerald Publications otherwise we would just hire a good design firm to create a much better site.


Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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Agreed, intro pages are nothing but an annoyance unless you have a product that lends itself to exciting video footage.


Also, the banner up top is a bit lame. The pic is tiny, and the company name color kind of fades into background color.


Aside from that, it looks pretty good. Seems to be easy to navigate, although I haven't tried any of the features, just farted around a couple pages.

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The website looks good, and I agree about the intro page. Unless it truly is cutting edge (which yours is not, it is just a nuisance). Everything else looks good.


Granted, this is coming from a financial advisor with THIS as my website (see below). I get no bidness from it. :)


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Thanks for feedback info, and I agree on the splash, but since we are now actively going after assets under management to a existing client base of more insurance based products after hiring our new portfolio manager, that is our only option. It really sucks how little we can change on the websites.
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+1 on ditching the intro page.


The resolution on the "Strategic Resource Group" images at the top, and on the side is a little crappy.


In the html, underneath the top "Strategic Resource Group" image, I see:




Not sure why there is a heading for a break.


Also the order in which the top navigation bar is...you want Home to be first, and then order it from Most to least importance. It just seems like "about us" and "request a quote" should be flipped. You can even get rid of the home button, just anchor the link with the company name at the top.


Just my opinion, looks good.

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