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At the hospital -


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yeah, no kids for me so im pretty excited...still here, 14 hours later. lol..i shoulda went home and slept last night, but i opted to stay here and try to get 30 minute naps in the waiting room


i guess from what theyre saying, she hasnt changed in like 4 hours, and now theyre talking about a c-section...i think theyre going to check again at 1 and if nothing, then have that talk...



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riverside...she was supposed to go to st. anns, which would have been nice...i work literally 1/2 mile from st anns, and i could have had my mom call me when she was a couple hours from delivery and leave work (if i was there)...it was odd though...i heard a bad review from someone at work about st anns, and a few days later my sister said she heard the same and switched to riverside...my buddy just had his baby here on 12/31 and they were happy with it.
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7yrs ago I was in the same situation you are in, was at OSU from about 10am-1pm the following day, my first niece Alyssa was born, I spend every moment I can with her and spoil the hell out of her. Now I get to do it all over again sometime in August with my 2nd niece or nephew
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as of 4:32, im an uncle...Gage Emerson is what she named him...8lbs, 0.2oz, 20". sister is doing better than i thought she would be a couple hours out...im tired as hell...was up from 930am yesterday until now with about 3 hour long naps over last night/this morning...im going to bed SOON. lol







Edited by evan9381
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