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Home Theatre ppl. Parts Express has a good deal...


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Geez...my Velodyne 10" (pointed forward) is PLENTY of bass for my home theater. It's in a good sized room with 20' ceilings too. What's the point of multiple large subs when you just have to turn them all down anyway to make the setup listenable?


Maybe for a very large theater room, or if you are running small subs...but 4 seems like major overkill in that pictured setup.

Edited by Nitrousbird
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Geez...my Velodyne 10" (pointed forward) is PLENTY of bass for my home theater. It's in a good sized room with 20' ceilings too. What's the point it multiple large subs when you just have to turn them all down anyway to make the setup listenable?


so you can listen to more gangsta rap. duh.

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It's a buyout. Meaning they can't list the name brand. The last buyout sub I bought from them was a Kove armeggedon z15= a bad ass sub. It was listed as a high power sub. Not mentioning any name brand at all. So trust me that sub is exactly what I referenced.
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