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Credit Report errors?


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Has anyone had any trouble with errors on your credit report? or past due collections that were already paid?


I went to get preapproved for an autoloan and the agent at Telhio said there were 3 negative comments on my Transunion reports, all of which were paid years ago?! wtf do i have to do to get these negative comments removed?! It was pulling teeth just to get everything straightened out last time with one of the companies (time warner) with a bill i wasnt even responsible for.


Like i said several of these claims are years old so i highly doubt i have any sort of payment confirmation numbers just laying around but yet none of them are outstanding so why are they still showing up as negative comments on my Transunion report?!

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Trans is the reporitng agent for all 3. You can only contact via mail...pain in the ass. If you need things removed from your credit report go to lexingtonlawfirm.com and sign up for this service. Its like 80 a mont hand they dispute things on your report that you want gone and they will get them removed for you. It took a couple months before I saw any results, but they send challenging letters to each agency and will keep sending them until the entry has been deleted. I used them for a year and they had several items removed and i was in a position to buy a house. Worth it in my opinion...
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^Andrews suggestion is not necessary.


Get a free copy of your report; there should be contact information for the negative items. Get a confirmation from the businesses that the collection items were paid, contact Transunion and send them a copy of your findings (including documentation from the companies that you owe them no money). If they don't remove them or if they give you a hard time, come back here.


Also, read this, it details your rights.

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Try going through the companies that are reporting negative information first. The reporting agencies tend to trust what the creditors say as gospel, so if you're in a situation where the creditors will vouch that the negative information is erroneous, you've got a leg up on the situation.


I had this happen with a Discover card I "closed" about 8 years ago. A couple years after that some 3 year credit watch plan that I never signed up for auto-renewed, the account went into delinquency and was closed, all without me ever knowing. I called Discover when I pulled my credit report, they immediately admitted their error and sent letters to the credit reporting agencies to get the information removed. And even then, I took 3 letters over the course of 2 years for the reporting agencies to finally believe them.


That's my 2 cents. There's lots of good info on creditboards.com if you have the time.

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you can get them to remove them after their on there. I'm dealing with medical collections now that worker's comp should of paid for....


What about your equifax do they show on there? I may be able to help you if their not showing there with a bank.

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just dispute the fact that its still in delinquency with whatever bureaus its reporting on (equifax, transunion, or experian). you can go pay one of those places to try to remove it, but the companies are under no obligation to do so, so you may end up wasting your money.


if you did pay them as you say, call whovever the company is that you paid the debt through, have them fax you a letter showing paid as of whatever date, then send it to whatever bureaus its reporting with.


but yes, it can/will stay on your report for 7 years from the date of last activity. so even if it went past due in june 2000 and you paid it in dec 2003, the DOLA would be 12/03, so it'd stay on thru around 12/10. i think technically its 6 years, 9 months, but everyone just rounds it to 7 years

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Oops, I was thinking it was reporting as currently delinquent.


Yes, a company like Lexington Law or Dana Facemyer is the way to go.




Almost, all of the items were at one point in time deliquent for a short amount of time before they were paid (i know that doesnt hold much with these people) but the point im trying to make is that they're showing as "oustanding" when in fact they aren't and havent been for a while now (one issue is almost 7 years old!).


I THINK the best course of action is to go through each individual company that initially reported something negative, attain proof that all debts have been paid then forward all information (via snail mail of course, because nothing regarding credit bureu's is allowed to be easy afterall) to Transunion and ask for the negative comments to be removed? Is this even possible? Or do they simply change it to say "was delinquent, now its paid but its still gonna fuck you over for 9 years"?


EDIT: Sorry Evan, just read your post. Makes total sense. Now my only real question is how do lender's take this into account when deciding if their going to loan you money? Is it THAT much of a black mark if there's a paid debt on your credit report?!

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Yes, that can work. There is a hell of a lot of information (free even) on how to dispute errors around the web if you search for it. Start with finance websites like MSN money section, bankrate.com and look at their credit, credit report sections. http://www.creditboards.com is another good source.
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Almost, all of the items were at one point in time deliquent for a short amount of time before they were paid (i know that doesnt hold much with these people) but the point im trying to make is that they're showing as "oustanding" when in fact they aren't and havent been for a while now (one issue is almost 7 years old!).


I THINK the best course of action is to go through each individual company that initially reported something negative, attain proof that all debts have been paid then forward all information (via snail mail of course, because nothing regarding credit bureu's is allowed to be easy afterall) to Transunion and ask for the negative comments to be removed? Is this even possible? Or do they simply change it to say "was delinquent, now its paid but its still gonna fuck you over for 9 years"?


EDIT: Sorry Evan, just read your post. Makes total sense. Now my only real question is how do lender's take this into account when deciding if their going to loan you money? Is it THAT much of a black mark if there's a paid debt on your credit report?!


its not the paid debt that will hurt you, its the fact that it went delinquent in the first place...obviously paid debt > unpaid debt...but it varies lender to lender, your more recent history, etc, etc. its not like an automatic yes or no as to if you're going to get a loan or not. if you have a lot of tradelines and one or two negative marks from 4-5 years ago, you probably wont have as much of an issue as someone who has 2 negative marks and maybe 6 trade lines. plus, with credit markets somewhat drying up, and it being harder to get credit right now, it may be a little harder.


but ask your creditors to fax you verification. most will tell you they can't (like i do, because its a hassle and im not making money off you unless you're paying me...lol), but if you stress it enough they can usually fax it.


the bureaus though, i dont know if they can do fax. im sure they can, but dont quote me.

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