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This is insane.


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The sparks add to the coolness a bit.


Firework fountains. This thing would be much cooler if it wasn't just an oversized funny car deliberately ballasted so that 300hp can lift the front end.


Your Buick would be much cooler if it weren't a Buick. :D

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Ive seen this. I tihnk they call it the "Cool Bus" or something. Pretty cool in person.


The S'Kool Bus. Very punny...


It's been around in various forms since the 70s. I had the Hot Wheels car when I was in kindergarten. The original version had an aluminum body, and is in a museum somewhere.

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cool but the Hemi Under glass my fav wheelie stander then the lil' red express is next


There are a lot of people on this board that will have to use google to know what those are.:lol:

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There are a lot of people on this board that will have to use google to know what those are.:lol:


thats really sad to think, i'm 20 and since about the age of 12 or 13 i've known what both of those are.


side story - the original driver of the hemi under glass used to race on the dirt bike track that is now the hill at pacemakers (yes both were there at the same time), just thought that was pretty cool.

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Truth. Somebody complimented me on my Jag the other day...


That's hilarious. Some ass thought my car was a Probe... and he was driving one. Granted, it was dark, but that's one of those calls that drives us MKIII guys crazy. :D


I was about to pull into a carwash with my new, two week old acr neon back in 97 when I was rearended. It busted up a taillight and scraped the "N" off of Neon. When I pulled in, one of the workers while walking to the back of the car to check out the damage, says "Oh, hey. This one of those...", he paused recheck the name on the back, "Eons."


bwhaha! I just, "Yeah. Eon."

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