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Kid help please.

Johny Utah

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Guest tbutera2112

she needs to spank him and tell the kid he cant talk to her like that....worked when i was a kid


you shouldnt be doing anything unless the kid is yours by blood or adoption, IMO

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My girfriend has a 3 year old son and he sees me as his best freind. When im around he is mean to her sometimes and does not like to listen very well to her. She is getting very frustrated and angry with this. What can we do?


If you are condoning his behavior by accepting, encouraging, laughing, or otherwise making him comfortable in his relationship with you while acting this way, you must stop doing this. He will understand more quickly your acting in displeasure with him.

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she needs to spank him and tell the kid he cant talk to her like that....worked when i was a kid


you shouldnt be doing anything unless the kid is yours by blood or adoption, IMO


She has been spanking him. He still keeps on doing it.

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If you are condoning his behavior by encouraging, laughing, or otherwise making him comfortable in his relationship with you while acting this way, you must stop doing this. He will understand more quickly your acting in displeasure with him.


Im not condoning it at all. I have told him when he is mean to him Mom it makes me sad and I dont like it.

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Guest tbutera2112
If you need to resort to spanking a 3 year old.. there are OTHER issues.






i agree...when kids act up people should buy them lollipops and sit them in the corner for time out with their gameboys

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i agree...when kids act up people should buy them lollipops and sit them in the corner for time out with their gameboys



You are a fucking idiot. Once you actually HAVE a kid, much less being one, you will know this.


You are basically doing the equivilant of telling a chick how to use a tampon.





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Im not condoning it at all. I have told him when he is mean to him Mom it makes me sad and I dont like it.


"Talking" to a 3 year old is really rather futile. He most likely is craving your attention. If you simply remove your attention from him the moment he starts to act this way, he will feel the loss. Actions = Consequences. He's mean to mommy, you leave the room/house. He'll get a much clearer message than when you talk to him.

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"Talking" to a 3 year old is really rather futile. He most likely is craving your attention. If you simply remove your attention from him the moment he starts to act this way, he will feel the loss. Actions = Consequences. He's mean to mommy, you leave the room/house. He'll get a much clearer message than when you talk to him.


I will leave the room or house next time he is mean to his Mom. Hopefully this will work.

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Guest tbutera2112
Im not condoning it at all. I have told him when he is mean to his Mom it makes me sad and I dont like it.


Why not tell him you do not approve of this?







I'm the idiot? Gotcha.

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there is spanking and then there is beating our child. there is a diff.



Does spanking teach boys to not break things? Does spanking teach boys to not go where they are not allowed? Does spanking teach boys to not do things they are not allowed / supposed to do?






PS - How's the new TV?

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there is spanking and then there is beating our child. there is a diff.




I was spanked, and my brother after me was spanked. The brother that followed us was never spanked, now he's 17 and I'm ashamed at the way he treats my parents and the things he says to them. If I even said a word that resembled a cuss word I would have gotten a smacked, but he will swear at them with no consequences. He does poorly in school and is into all kinds of drugs. He has also been diagnosed with "ADHD", another word for "lacks discipline".


I see this all the time. The kids that get "time outs" in a room filled with TV's, video games and toys, are the same ones that are just absolute hooligans.

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