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What do you pay for Ins, or is that too much info to ask? You have a Co-pay 80/20 plan?


$80 a pay check for just wife and I. Kids would be extra. $40 copay to go to doctor office. It is 80/20 after my out of pocket deductible is paid. I just can't remember right now how much that is.


Edit: $84 a paycheck. $800 family deductible. Maximum annual coinsurance is $5,800. Last year coinsurance was $6000. Really surprised it was lowered.

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$80 a pay check for just wife and I. Kids would be extra. $40 copay to go to doctor office. It is 80/20 after my out of pocket deductible is paid. I just can't remember right now how much that is.


Edit: $84 a paycheck. $800 family deductible. Maximum annual coinsurance is $5,800. Last year coinsurance was $6000. Really surprised it was lowered.


So your maximum out of pocket is 5000 after you pay the 800 deductible? Can I ask what the Surgeries cost for you wife? Not what they cost you but what is the net? SO far it sounds to me like my HSA would benefit you.


My maximum out of pocket is 4k, then 100%. The kicker is my work deposits 2k a year into my HSA.

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How much are the surgeries every 2 years that you pay 20% on, and what is your maximum out of pocket?


$15,000 plus whatever the cost of the drugs to put her under. I have to pay the $800 deductible, then the coinsurance $5800, then insurance pays 80% then we pay 20%. Still after this we end up with $3000-4000 medical bills.


It seems every year she has surgery they deny her coverage saying she isn't on my plan or some other BS reason. I call and bitch for 4-5 months faxing in every fucking piece of paper under the sun they request. Bill goes into collections since insurance doesn't even pay a penny and neither do I. I bitch at collections again for a few months. I e-mail bomb the board of directors of my insurance company. A week later they call me back and fix the problem. Then I pay my part. This happens every 2 years I am not lying. Next time I will e-mail bomb first before calling their customer service.

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$15,000 plus whatever the cost of the drugs to put her under. I have to pay the $800 deductible, then the coinsurance $5800, then insurance pays 80% then we pay 20%. Still after this we end up with $3000-4000 medical bills.


It seems every year she has surgery they deny her coverage saying she isn't on my plan or some other BS reason. I call and bitch for 4-5 months faxing in every fucking piece of paper under the sun they request. Bill goes into collections since insurance doesn't even pay a penny and neither do I. I bitch at collections again for a few months. I e-mail bomb the board of directors of my insurance company. A week later they call me back and fix the problem. Then I pay my part. This happens every 2 years I am not lying. Next time I will e-mail bomb first before calling their customer service.



SO my HSA is better for you than your current plan. My Maximum is 4k, and I pay a lower Monthly fee, I think you said per pay, if you are paid 2 times a month you still pay more than me. AND I pay all my med bills, scripts, and over the counter drugs with tax free money. Not with my take home pay. I hope this makes sense, if not pm me your number I can explain it better on the phone.

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SO my HSA is better for you than your current plan. My Maximum is 4k, and I pay a lower Monthly fee, I think you said per pay, if you are paid 2 times a month you still pay more than me. AND I pay all my med bills, scripts, and over the counter drugs with tax free money.


We have an HSA option at work. The Family Deductible is $2,520 and annual coinsurance is $5,800, then 80/20 as normal (FOR SURGERY). Only problem here is surgery last time was real close to the time I could change my insurance if needed. So maybe 2 months I could of used to dump money into my HSA. Even so I would of paid more with HSA????


If I was single I surely would have HSA, but being married and existing medical conditions doesn't make HSA cost effective.

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So maybe 2 months I could of used to dump money into my HSA.


See with a HSA You could have 0 money in the account and have a major surgery and be just fine. You just need to know the rules.


That is not a high deductible plan. A high deductible plan is not an 80/20. The 4k out of pocket is is a scary thought but once you understand it, and know the rules, it's a no brainer. PM me if you want to talk.

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See with a HSA You could have 0 money in the account and have a major surgery and be just fine. You just need to know the rules.


That is not a high deductible plan. A high deductible plan is not an 80/20. The 4k out of pocket is is a scary thought but once you understand it, and know the rules, it's a no brainer. PM me if you want to talk.


True but that is why in my last post I said "existing medical conditions". I am not going to go into our medical history but it wouldn't work out in our favor. Trust me I talked to a few people about it before I made the decision. But thanks for the help.

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I think it's beyond funny how doctors are up in arms about this stuff ..., waaaaa waaaaa waaaaaaa I am not gonna make 450000 this yr only 400000 .


Not all doctors are up in arms, some doctors are paid by hospitals or practices, they get their pay no matter what walks in the door and what plan they have.

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I think it's beyond funny how doctors are up in arms about this stuff ..., waaaaa waaaaa waaaaaaa I am not gonna make 450000 this yr only 400000 .


It's going to impact them by far more than $50k per year. I have several Doctors and two Chiro's in the family. If you want to have a fun discussion on the subject, come to a family dinner:eek:


I know for sure what they make, but I know based on what they have it's close to $300k+ However, they earn it. Long ass hours, over 12 years of school and sucking ass as they progressed to where they are. Besides, they get raped by malpractice, pay through the nose for office space.....etc.....it's not an easy life believe me. Pay is definitely inline with what they do and had to do to earn the level they are at.

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It's going to impact them by far more than $50k per year. I have several Doctors and two Chiro's in the family. If you want to have a fun discussion on the subject, come to a family dinner:eek:


I know for sure what they make, but I know based on what they have it's close to $300k+ However, they earn it. Long ass hours, over 12 years of school and sucking ass as they progressed to where they are. Besides, they get raped by malpractice, pay through the nose for office space.....etc.....it's not an easy life believe me. Pay is definitely inline with what they do and had to do to earn the level they are at.




Well I disagree with what you say. If it's so bad being a doctor like you want to make it out to be, I know you're not, but I still don't feel bad they made the career choice deal with it like the rest of us. Ya know what we do of we are getting fucked at our job... Get another one!

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Ya know what we do of we are getting fucked at our job... Get another one!


Many of them are already. My brother in and law and his wife are both in Athens and do teaching / seminars and if the bill impacts them to a point of breaking, they will close their practice and teach full time.


The ones in Oregon, again, husband and wife, already practice and cash and carry program. They don't accept any insurance and are doing just fine $$ income wise too. Patients fell off a little bit, but are back up to the proper numbers now.

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Well I disagree with what you say. If it's so bad being a doctor like you want to make it out to be, I know you're not, but I still don't feel bad they made the career choice deal with it like the rest of us. Ya know what we do of we are getting fucked at our job... Get another one!



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Many of them are already. My brother in and law and his wife are both in Athens and do teaching / seminars and if the bill impacts them to a point of breaking, they will close their practice and teach full time.


The ones in Oregon, again, husband and wife, already practice and cash and carry program. They don't accept any insurance and are doing just fine $$ income wise too. Patients fell off a little bit, but are back up to the proper numbers now.


That is exactly what I am looking at. I am in the process of putting together a program that teaches spinal mechanics of motor vehicle collision, accident reconstruction, expert testimony. I certainly make less than I did 6-10 years ago, and I have the busiest practice in the county.

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That is exactly what I am looking at. I am in the process of putting together a program that teaches spinal mechanics of motor vehicle collision, accident reconstruction, expert testimony. I certainly make less than I did 6-10 years ago, and I have the busiest practice in the county.


Are you one of those guys that has an employee that telemarkets recent accident victims all day telling them the car insurance will cover the visit?

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I think it's beyond funny how doctors are up in arms about this stuff ..., waaaaa waaaaa waaaaaaa I am not gonna make 450000 this yr only 400000 .



you'd be pissed too if you got a pay cut at mcdonalds. and its going to be a lot more than that. the average pediatrician makes $110k per year---take into account the $200k in medical school loans they have to pay off, malpractice, and getting paid less and less each year by medicare. also, they start their career at 30, while others can start building their worth right out of college.


i'm glad you're in favor of the health care bill though. so when you march into my office (or another surgeon) looking for a back surgery, or a joint replacement---guess what i'm going to tell you??









i'm sorry, i don't operate on people with the government plan---its not an emergency, and the surgery is not absolutely necessary for your survival. you can take pain medication, and you'll live. here's the door.






now if you're willing to pay cash, i'll do your surgery for $5k. the american public will suffer greatly, but surgeons are actually intelligent--we're not going to get fucked by the idiots in washington. so no, i won't make $450k, i'll make $800k





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I hope Americans are ready for healthcare that resembles a trip to the inner city BMV.


219 people should be hung in the rotunda for declaring war on the American people and our way of life.:mad:



Your fucking stupid.



Maybe you should goto the free health care spots now. its called the ER. Go there with a real problem and there are 15 people waiting with a COLD. This will make that better.


I'm sorry that yo want to consider quality healthcare obtainable by all to be a hand out but I feel its a right. Pursuit of happiness is not possible when your up to your kneck in healthcare costs

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Your fucking stupid.



Maybe you should goto the free health care spots now. its called the ER. Go there with a real problem and there are 15 people waiting with a COLD. This will make that better.


I'm sorry that yo want to consider quality healthcare obtainable by all to be a hand out but I feel its a right. Pursuit of happiness is not possible when your up to your kneck in healthcare costs


Stopped reading after this.

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1. Being told I must by something I don't want.


============== You buy car insurance so shut the fuck up

2. Placing larger bureaucracies in healthcare.

================= because it's been governing itself so well. I pay more a month in healthcare then a payment on a Vette so fuck you

3. Overstepping the bounds of the Constitution.

===== I'm not seeing that but ok.

4. Place huge debts for my kids on their backs.

========== Other then the jobs that must be created around governing this bill it's actually not a huge thing. Don't give me your hypothetical bullshit.

5. The creation of more people looking to put doctors in jail

============ Because that was article one of the bill right?

6. Putting into motion a system that will artificially inflate healthcare cost even more.

=========== Recent studies have shown it would reduce the over all cost of health care. So stop pour bullshit out

7. Possibly have to lay off an employee because I cant afford to pay for government approved healthcare for everyone that works for me.

================ Thats not the case its actually so good for small business its not funny. Maybe you've never had to handle insurnace yourself for a small business but I promise you it sucks and I've delt with it


Just off the top of my head.


all bull shit

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Are you one of those guys that has an employee that telemarkets recent accident victims all day telling them the car insurance will cover the visit?


no, I am the guy attorneys call when they need an expert witness.

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3.What will happen is someone will say the Government has the right to force me to buy something because of the commerce clause. The commerce clause can only be used when a person is purchasing something across state lines. What If I choose not to by a product? Therefore I would not be subject to the the clause. The clause only applies to those that are engaging in a voluntary transaction, it does provide for forced economic activity.


The Sixteenth Amendment allows an income tax. An income tax is imposed only on earnings, but people would have to pay this tax even if they had no income. I fail to buy insurance I will have to pay a tax. That oversteps the bounds of the constitution.


4. Only in washington do we spend a trillion to save a few billion.


5. Do you really think Uncle Sam is going to put this machine into gear and not have larger OIG enforcement? What to you think Obama means buy cutting fraud? The act of fraud in healthcare does not have to be an act that you commit on purpose, the government will prosecute you for being unaware of regulation. In other words, if I submit a bill to the insurance for an exam code and I forgot to write in my note for the day one of the components of that exam into the record. Bam, we now have fraud, I can be prosecuted for a mistake. There are many good doctors that are in jail now for this type of issue with medicare.


7. This same approach to healthcare has been tried in Mass. thanks to Mitt Romney. The premiums for health insurance in Mass. are now the highest in the nation. Since I may have to buy insurance for my employee that is government approved that cost has to come from somewhere. I only have a limited amount of funds to spend and if I am forced to provide insurance I may have to cut a job in our office to pay for the cost. I cant print money like the government does. I cant run my business like uncle sam runs the country. I would be broke, or in jail.

I'm sorry but the approach is largely based on hawaii and there system works quite well from what I've read. Rush seemed to like it.

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