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April 23rd! Cookout.


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thanks again to all who brought food.


sorry for the burnt dogs that grill cooks realll hot :lol: ran out of burgers in 5 minutes i guess some peoplel forgot to bring what they were gonna bring... fail


but plentyyyy of dogs an sides.


I still ate a few ;). Definitely need to make the cookout an every event thing. Thanks to everyone who brought food/supplies....also thanks to Paul for ruining my weiner....

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WTH did you do that for? Not like I was going to drive all the way back out there for it. lol


I'm lost. There were still a few other coolers sitting there so someone else prolly grabbed it. I figured it belonged to one of them so I set it on top of one as well as some ketchup. I'm not sure I even know who you are haha.

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