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Gravel Trucks


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Happened to me once, but I caught up with it and got the license plate number and the info on the side of the truck. Got my windshield replaced and a rental while the car was in the shop. Oh and those "stay back 200 feet" signs will not hold up in court.
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Same thing happened here , gravel from a truck hit my windshield at 65 mph. I caught up to the truck and got his license plate number, company name etc.

Called the company and my own insurance .

Too make a long story short , was told that unless the truck owner admits his truck was the truck that the gravel came off of and hit my windshield I was S.O.L.

Of course he would not admit to it. I asked the trucking co. if a driver has ever admitted to gravel falling off of there truck and hitting another car , there answer was not in the 20 year history of the company has a driver ever fessed up.

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Same thing happened here , gravel from a truck hit my windshield at 65 mph. I caught up to the truck and got his license plate number, company name etc.

Called the company and my own insurance .

Too make a long story short , was told that unless the truck owner admits his truck was the truck that the gravel came off of and hit my windshield I was S.O.L.

Of course he would not admit to it. I asked the trucking co. if a driver has ever admitted to gravel falling off of there truck and hitting another car , there answer was not in the 20 year history of the company has a driver ever fessed up.


How would a driver know if a piece of gravel fell off their truck?

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