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I dotn recall reading that it was going to be proprietary wifi connect, so i would imagine you could use it with any mobile tether would work, but i could be wrong. For the price though, i would almost want to get a netbook of some sort.. granted they are a bit thicker, but you wont be roped into ONLY what apple wants you to have.
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IO have never have a apple other than a ipod and never used a mac computer. But I whould like to be able to watch tv and surf at the same time and also maybe use it in the work truck during the day, So a full size laptop and cords and such don't sound good. Not sure how this compares to those small mini laptops I see. Plus the no virus thig sounds nice too
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iPad is a joke. Oversize iTouch, or with the 3G, it's an oversize iPhone that you can't make phone calls with.


Tablet PC's have been around for years, and are far more functional. Or if you need small, get a Netbook. Hell, Apple sells small laptops that are a far better value than having an iPad.

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Ok so What are the down sides to the new Ipad? Seems like it is a laptop in a more compact form. I am interested in it solely for surfing and email, watching vids, etc. It has wifi correct? can a verizon phone (moble internet) thing work in it?


Get an iPhone. You can do all of the above very easily. It's a little small for things like surfing, but only if it was going to be your main surfing machine. Otherwise, I surf CR on it a lot with zero issues.


I just ripped a couple movies on it too. 500-600mb per movie in excellent quality both vid and sound. Am tweaking my rips to make them even smaller too.

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doubt verizon will work with it. But it has wifi. I think its friggen awesome. Only downside is if you drop it, i think It'll have the same result as an iPhone on its first fall.





Not fool-proof, but a good solid case wrapping it around on the edges with a padded carrying case will certainly help prevent damage. Unless one drops it square on the glass front. Here's mine with the Mophie Juice Pack battery pack inside my old BlackBerry Case.



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I have the otterbox


has saved me from a couple drops. Its a military grade polycarbonate 3 piece case. Totally shock proof up to like 100 ft and its damn near waterproof. I've dropped my phone in the sink while brushing my teeth and it was fine.


Its a little bulky but WELL worth it. But it's easily one of the most expensive cases on the market. I paid like $45 for it 4 months ago.

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I have a blackberry for a phone and a desktop but my dvr is in one room and desktop in the office so I spend time in one room watching tv then go to the office to check the forums when I think with this I chould multi task. The small laptops are not out but this interested me more.


Also no Iphone becouse I am not leaving verizon. Plus I want a large screen to watch vids and such

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i thought about getting an ipad but just cant see dumping the money into something i already have just bigger haha


and here is my case for my iphone i am just as afraid of dropping it with the case as i am with the phone lol


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Its sleaker / better looking, it does everything I'd NEED it to, its plenty fast, its got the same OS as my iPhone so i'm sure theyll be jailbroken 2 weeks after they come out, the apps will be badass on the huge screen, email will be as simple as the iPhones, its got an accelerometer, and all in all its just simply awesome. It looks so futuristic!


I would take it as a toy or something for lighter use. but if I needed something to do gaming, heavy work I'd just stay with my dual core laptop

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Scott, the iPad is NOT a computer. You can't type a word document on it, you can't plug your usb thumb drive into it, you can't hoom it to you car and tune with it. But you CAN load it up with videos, you can surf the internet (the real internet, minus flash video), you can connect it to a stereo and play your music,you can use it to read e-books, and you can download tons of apps. If you want a portable COMPUTER, this is not for you. If you to read e-books, check your email, watch videos, surf the internet then this is for you.


And the wifi version can be connected to any wifi source, be it the wireless router in your house, the wireless at McDonalds, the wireless at the airport, or the Verizon/ATT/Sprint wifi hotspot you may have. The 3G radio equipped version will only work with AT&T.


Also, there are a bunch of cheap android based tablets on the horizon. I'd look into one of those.

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You can't type a word document on it


Not what Microsoft is saying, even Microsoft can develop apps for the iPad. Hell I think apple is working on a version of iWork for it too.


I may buy one for my Daughter to watch videos, play music in the house and play flash card games to help her learn to read. The OS is so easy to use, as I have said in other threads, she is 3 and has been able to open and find and play all her content on my iPhone since she was 2. So an iPad would be cool for her, and me getting her stuff off my phone.


For the original poster, some drawbacks are no camera, and you can't download files on it, and let's not forget that apple does not support flash video on the iPhone/iPad with that iPhone OS(again I like that feature for children though). Some websites have already begun to switch to HTML5 video so these devices can access their content. Those are a couple of drawbacks. I may wait until Apple puts a forward facing camera on it so I can video Skype.

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Ipad comes with iwork (excel..word etc). I have gripes with it for a few reasons.


No multitasking.


No USB for flash drives or additional functionalities...


It has only a 4:3 aspect ratio meaning its standard not widescreen (huge in my book). I dont care how awesome the 720P screen is, if I cant watch an itunes movie in widescreen then I dont want it.


the good: you can make VoIP calls from it using the bluetooth and a couple different apps out (same with the ipod touch...you can make calls from it). link to new app.




With the 200k+ apps out you can find an app to do just about anything you want giving it much more capacity to do things a normal PC can if not more. You can still attach a keyboard to it, still remote desktop into other PC's to move files around that a flash drive would otherwise address...


The apps make all the difference. You can find an app for ANYTHING turning this device into a much cooler and more sleek device than some people are giving credit for.


I am still on the fence about this. This could be awesome and I want one, but not until they address at least multitasking and the 4:3 aspect ratio (which is my biggest con at this point).

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