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When cars attack


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Was pulling the flywheel bolts off of another engine today. I mean these bolts are in here. So I've got a 30 inch pipe on a large socket when the wrench link gives up. My force and 180 pounds of body weight straight to the lower eye socket and nose. I've taken hits and fight and never been so knocked silly. Laid on the ground and kinda shook while my face dripped blood.

"Woah man are you okay?"


***No answer


"Oh shit"


LoL - Push, never pull.

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Hmm, hadn't thought about it in a while, but there is a somewhat common superstition that a tool unused for a year will seek to harm the person using it. Another superstition is that metal, being non-organic, "thirsts" for blood so that it can live. This one I almost believe, I can't count the number of times I've been cut or poked working on a motor...but I've never been injured TWICE in a day by the same car.


Then again, I learned German, Italian, and Japanese cuss words, since it makes sense that a car won't understand you unless you cuss it in its native language.....

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