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It has been almost 10 years.....

DTM Brian

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I didn't read it that way. I also don't see him doing that. He's got a good attitude and is looking at it the way he should. If there's a gripe with a vendor, I've always said, call and work it out with them directly. No sense in shitting on them here. Others disagree and say call them out. I say do that if they don't come to the negotiation table to make things right.

But you see the problem is, some people come on here with assumptions. People like to stir the pot, and every one has a opinion. And not every one looks at every thing the same. I know exactly where Brian is coming from. We have had several conversations in the past weeks. I deal with some of the same stuff every week. FOR EXAMPLE ONLY:..... if a car gets tuned, and someone goes and add's a catch can not hooked up correctly and you start drawing more air from the motor after the maf, it can toss off a maf signal pretty well, and it may not be enough to piss of the ecu, and kick a check engine light. but you just leaned the car out...lol. or if your car is just not up to snuff to be dyno'd. No one i know of can look at a motor and tell what kind of condition it is in, before you touch it. like Will 614streets just had with a customers transmission. Shits happens sometimes. Like if you change your fuel filter and all of a sudden for your idle is weird. well that car may just be known for a issue with that same damn idle problem, and it just decided to fuck up right then. But better you then me, right? cause then its my fault, or who ever touched it last and so on. Or say your car sat for six months right after someone else just fixed it. and you fire it up, and it runs rough...and it come out that 1 coil or what ever, decided to say fuck you, im not coming to work no more. Alot of people go with " who touched it last" Now, these are just for example... so please dont go getting your panties in a bunch people. im working on a post that will do that. but alot of people run to the internet, and complain. like you buy a cheap v band, over tighten it..what do some do, go on the interwebs and bad mouth the vendor that sold it, with out even calling the vendor to see if they will take care of it, which they did.

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I didn't read it that way. I also don't see him doing that. He's got a good attitude and is looking at it the way he should. If there's a gripe with a vendor, I've always said, call and work it out with them directly. No sense in shitting on them here. Others disagree and say call them out. I say do that if they don't come to the negotiation table to make things right.


Brian is a good guy and I've known of his work since the days of playing with a couple GTP's in my garage. In fact I've never heard anything bad about him as a person or a business from anyone first hand. Shit I read on the boards is exactly that...shit on a board. I use boards to begin my research but not to ultimately make my decisions.


Congrats man!


this thread is INTENSE :bangbang:

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Very well said Brian.


It has been such a pleasure to have known you for so long. When my car went on YOUR dyno for the first time, you (...and the old COFBA clan) changed my whole view about cars and performance forever and I will never regret it!


It's been one heck of a journey and I'm sure it will continue for many, many years to come. Sure there will be a few road bumps here and there but thats part of life and we continue to go on.


With your passion and respect for cars, people and your reputation, you will be VERY susccessful for many years to come and I'm very glad I've had that chance to meet you at COFBA's 1st dyno day.


Thank you for being very professional and also my friend.

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I remember having the old grand am up there 7-8 years ago. Looking back I'm suprised I didn't blow that thing to hell.


I'm sure you have 100 happy customers for every 1 unhappy. Can't please everyone, you can only try. It's just that the unhappy customers are 10X louder than the happy ones.


I loved hanging out at dyno. Now I get to play with my own.

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