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Warning to outdoorsman: Tics


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Last night I was riding mountain bikes at Phase 1 at Alum Creek. I felt something crawling on me, and it was a Tic. Just a reminder that you should check yourself and your animals when going out, because its that time of the year.


I know ill get the quintessential "Cool Story, Bro", but you dont wanna end up with Lyme Disease: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease

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ticks are really bad this year... at least once a week I'm pulling them off of my dogs... I just invested in tick killer to spray on my lawn, but 3.5 acres is alot of money to spray all down with tick killer
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ticks are really bad this year... at least once a week I'm pulling them off of my dogs... I just invested in tick killer to spray on my lawn, but 3.5 acres is alot of money to spray all down with tick killer


The collars or flea/tick meds for the dogs would be cheaper.

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The collars or flea/tick meds for the dogs would be cheaper.

doesn't work very well... we put the med on both of our dogs no longer than 2 weeks ago, and they keep on getting them... my poor lab keeps on getting them attaching to his face around his eyes.

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This. Unless your allergic to deet, this is the only bug spray one should ever invest in. Used it many of times including on the ohio trail, out of a group of 12+ of us, i'm the only one that didnt have ticks at the end of the hike.

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I'm surprised you felt the tick on you. The last one I found on me was because I did a look-see after walking through an apple orchard...never felt it on my leg...


I usually feel them walking thru leg hair. Maybe I am just a ninja.

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I got lyme disease from a tick at Mid Ohio. I'd been at the track all weekend for the LeMans series. Came home Sunday. Was chilling on the couch. Felt something on my back. Rubbed it, and a huge tick (had obviously been there a while) was in my hand. A few days later my back hurt. I was in the car with a friend. Asked them if there was anything on my back. They said, "holy shit dude, you need to see a doctor". I went. The doc said it was lyme disease from a tick bite. True story. It looked like this:



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I got lyme disease from a tick at Mid Ohio. I'd been at the track all weekend for the LeMans series. Came home Sunday. Was chilling on the couch. Felt something on my back. Rubbed it, and a huge tick (had obviously been there a while) was in my hand. A few days later my back hurt. I was in the car with a friend. Asked them if there was anything on my back. They said, "holy shit dude, you need to see a doctor". I went. The doc said it was lyme disease from a tick bite. True story. It looked like this:




What did they do to remediate it?

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Ticks are all over this year! Not sure why, but I've already removed one from my son and the neighbor is finding them on their kids just from playing in the grass. Never had this problem before in the same area.


My grandmother who lives at the opposite side of the city found two ticks on her cat last night. Very unusual.

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About 4 weeks ago, I took my dog out to Blendon Wood Metro Park for a walk. She came back with 3 of them. It was close to the date for her next dose of Frontline. Haven't seen any since, but I still check daily. We had a bad problem with them the first spring after we baught our house. Seven dust seems to work well at killing them and it is safe for animals.
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