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Removed from post telling the truth?


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So I love how I get kicked out of a post for making sure someone tells the truth about the car they are selling has been hit by a bus before. That kinda detail I think should be listed don't you?
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orrr it specifically states to not thread shit in there at all. if you have any concerns on how/why some ones is posting somethign then pm a mod


orrrr make a thread in the kitchen askign why said incident was not posted but



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Guest tbutera2112

you only posted that info since you were salty that he was ignoring you



you asked him some off topic crap in his thread about your personal relationship to him, that had nothing to do with his sale, so he ignored your ass....


then you PMd him, and got ignored again because apparantly whatever the hell you did, pissed him off substantially


then you thought you would get back at him by trying to fuck up his sale




i agree the info shoulda been posted, but dont for one second act like you posted it to try and help anyone, you were just trying to say "fuck you" to shanton



and really....if the car had been fixed, who gives a rats dick? you make it sound like a fucking a-bomb was dropped on it "it got hit by a bus", obviously it didnt get hit that hard, because there it is, clean titled and ready to roll. i think "it was in a minor accident" is sufficient enough info

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I didn't think telling the truth about a car getting hit before was shitting. I think we all remember about the bus hitting his car cause we all learned that his insureace had to cover it.
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I will say it was a BIG FUCK YOU to him because of just acting like he didn't see my post or my PM. I'm not hidding that, but if you where buying a car that was hit by a bus don't you think that detail should be listed.
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You should PM a Mod or Admin.


You should not post in a for sale thread unless you are interested in buying it. How is this rule so hard for so many people to grasp?


Know something fishy about the car? Know it's stolen? Know someone shit in the glovebox? PM A MOD OR ADMIN.

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You should PM a Mod or Admin.


You should not post in a for sale thread unless you are interested in buying it. How is this rule so hard for so many people to grasp?


Know something fishy about the car? Know it's stolen? Know someone shit in the glovebox? PM A MOD OR ADMIN.


Oh look.. its the rule for things like that.

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I'm not sure if all of that was directed towards trey, but I wasn't trying to thread shit.


That, and I wasn't the only person giving the thread starter a hard time.

I even tried to make it clear that "I'm not trying to be a douche"


oh well lol..



And trey, Deff down for audi meets once mine is finished. I still have the whole thing pulled apart from timing work..

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