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I'm sorry people, but no....

Science Abuse

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... this is not news because she's black or poor. It's news because she dangerously overwheight and athsmatic, in a sport that requires balance, bouyancy, and lots of fucking cardio.


She should not be there, this will not be a feel good story when she dies. At least she sculls solo.


As for her mom; Yes, it's great that you support your kid in the chasing of her dreams.... but what the hell are yo setting her up for? Pro-Tip, get your kids involved in things that they can succeed at, and they'll be happier.

Let'm dabble in fun stuff, but don't let them devote their time and efforts to something that's just going to crush their souls when it ends in failure.... or tragety.

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She should not be there.


Ah yes...CR. Where dreams are dashed and hope is futile. :p


I agree to an extent though. I hope she does well and gets in shape. I hope she somehow helps her family through this. I hope she doesn't die.


Being a fat guy I know what it feels like to be told you're too fat to do something. I have been laughed at when I told people I was training/working with my buddy who is an MMA fighter. So far I'm down 30 pounds and my knees/ankles that have been broken before and/or given me probs never felt better.


Cheers to her. Hopefully she doesn't have a heart attack and slump into the water.

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... this is not news because she's black or poor. It's news because she dangerously overwheight and athsmatic, in a sport that requires balance, bouyancy, and lots of fucking cardio.


She should not be there, this will not be a feel good story when she dies. At least she sculls solo.


As for her mom; Yes, it's great that you support your kid in the chasing of her dreams.... but what the hell are yo setting her up for? Pro-Tip, get your kids involved in things that they can succeed at, and they'll be happier.

Let'm dabble in fun stuff, but don't let them devote their time and efforts to something that's just going to crush their souls when it ends in failure.... or tragety.



Don't take this the wrong way, but you read a lot of newspapers don't you?


And yes, she shouldn't be doing that.

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Ah yes...CR. Where dreams are dashed and hope is futile. :p

Being a fat guy I know what it feels like to be told you're too fat to do something.

Sympathies mate, for sure, but she's still gets a "you're doing it wrong". Get in shape first, start slow, drop the pounds, THEN exert yourself.

And it's not like I'm saying she's to fat to be a model. She's too out-of-shape to engage in a grueling physical activity, it's dangerous and irresponcible, and I hope there has been a waiver involved somewhere. This isn't Gattica, it's sense.

Hypothetical: Rowing, tired, exhausted... asthma attack, collapes into water, lungs full of water, too heavy to be easily hoisted out by rescuers, dead. This is a very real possibility, you have to balance those boats because they're so narrow.

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I've got to hand it to her. The drive is something I don't see in a lot of high school kids. At least the coaches have the sense to keep her out of competition for the time being. The asthma and the weight are issues, but a training scull is hard to flip (we called them bathtubs for a reason). She's not going to fit on a racing shell of any kind, be it a single or an eight. That's just physics. But she can get a decent workout in a training scull, and on an erg. If she keeps at it she'll drop the weight. The muscle mass alone will help burn some of the fat. I'm also glad to see the team is going out of their way to help her along.
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I think the point Eric was making is the article is attacking race/class division. When her problems are nothing to do with either of those.


If she was in a shape other then round this article would not exist.

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I've got to hand it to her. The drive is something I don't see in a lot of high school kids.


With a bit more cynisism:

And she's slowed her progress by missing practices....

....doing a few halfhearted sit-ups and lunges....

Couldn't whole-heart some workouts in front of the journalist?


If she was in a shape other then round this article would not exist.


Exactly, note that the article says; " majority of competitive rowers are white". She's not even the only cultural misfit.

also, she's spending her siblings college savings.

Edited by Science Abuse
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I think the point Eric was making is the article is attacking race/class division. When her problems are nothing to do with either of those.


If she was in a shape other then round this article would not exist.


It's possible the article is trying to make an issue that doesn't exist in this scenario. The team is helping her cover her expenses. There is an anonymous donor covering more of her expenses. They are not telling her she cannot row. Physics dictates she cannot fit in a racing shell. So, until she drops the weight (or at least most of it) she will be not be racing with a team. They also said that won't let her race till she can complete a 1500 meter practice session. Right now she is physically incapable of doing the distance at any speed. I believe that when she reaches state that she can complete the race they will let her race solo in a single scull event. The fact that she is black, or poor only seems to matter to the author of the story.

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Oh, I agree. Hence the ":P".


I understand what you're saying and also agree that the article made points of race and social status when it all boils down to her athletic ability. I agree with all of that.


I also see the coaches making sure not to over exert her or allow her to "try too hard". Hopefully, in the end, it all works for the better.


Regardless, the writer is reaching for a social injustice that just isn't there.

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Heres my take... Its great for her to try, but you dont jump into any excercise program without giving your body a chance to ramp up. The stress she is putting on her body isnt needed. Its good to have determination, but you have to be smart with it. If I was her doctor/trainer I would have started her off walking and changed her diet over a 2-3 month period to get her ready for the team. Shes probably hurting her health more than she is helping it at this point.
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Sounds about right. I just wonder what all she is really doing. Peotic license and all, we really don't know EXACTLY what she's doing except rowing on machines and in a single. The actual amount of work/stress on her body isn't given.


Although it has aparently been enough for an asthma attack. Hmmm...


Nah, I'm done caring. :)

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Sounds about right. I just wonder what all she is really doing. Peotic license and all, we really don't know EXACTLY what she's doing except rowing on machines and in a single. The actual amount of work/stress on her body isn't given.


Although it has aparently been enough for an asthma attack. Hmmm...


Nah, I'm done caring. :)


The asthma attacks, missed practices, and little info about health is what Im basing my assumption on. For all we know she had an asthma attack while walking :p

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Giver her a rowing machine and have someone spray her in the face with a water bottle every couple minutes and play one of those sound scape CD's by the ocean. If she really wants to do this, then in a year, she will be ready.
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Giver her a rowing machine and have someone spray her in the face with a water bottle every couple minutes and play one of those sound scape CD's by the ocean. If she really wants to do this, then in a year, she will be ready.

Back of the head. Rowers go backwards. ;)


but a training scull is hard to flip (we called them bathtubs for a reason).


Did yours have baby pontoons on the riggers, or were they more like the wider "Open water" Aldens?

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Did yours have baby pontoons on the riggers, or were they more like the wider "Open water" Aldens?


I think our training scull was an Alden. I was a sweep rower, but decided to give it a whirl one afternoon. For shit and giggles I tried to flip it and could not. At the time I was probably 220lbs. So, if I can't flip it neither can she.


I will say it's probably a decent workout for her since rowing on a machine is only as strenuous as you make it. It's also zero impact. It does require a little bit of flexibility to it, so that might be a negative for her.

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How would you like to be one of the in-shape 120 lb girls that was hoping to do well in some races this year, only to be told, "yep, your boat is going to weigh 150 lbs more than any other boats. Good luck!"


Completely agree that that article fails at linking her family's income and race to the "issue" here, whatever that is. If that girl only needed one seat on an airplane, that story never makes it past the school paper.

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Where my wife is from, rowing is HUGE..as in they shut down the city for a couple days a year just for the Regatta.


I've never seen a rower even close to her size. But where is this race thing coming in? People are paying her way, the team mates seem to be accepting of her, yet that's still not good enough?

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she lives in subsidized housing.


Her mother -- a medical technician and single parent of five -- stretched to pay for her $260 uniform and prayed for the scholarship that is covering part of the club's $750 in fees.


best part of the story right there. (key points are highlighted)

so we are paying for her housing so that her mom can waste money on something stupid like this,:asshole:

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I love when people say we pay in reference to tax dollars... Do you make enough per hour for your taxes to do anything more than put gas in the presidential suv?? If not the only thing we should see you complaining about is president not using his Giant Eagle rewards.


Why didnt you highlight medical technician? I bet she has a better job than you do.... I know enough dead beat dads to know that she could have had a nice family of 7 before daddy ran away and messed her over. Having 5 kids and needing help doesnt automatically make you a a loser. Daycare alone forces her to need help young one. Having 5 kids, sitting at home, and not trying to better your life makes you a loser. She is trying to give her kids more. I tip my hat off to that woman.. even if she is going to kill her daughter trying to give her what she wants.

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