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New home defense rounds

Alex L.

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Picked these up at Buckeye Outdoors today per recommendation:






2.75" round, three 00 buck pellets followed by a 1oz rifled slug. Seems like a good alternative to the traditional slug/buck/slug combo, best of both worlds in every shot.

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Good stuff. The technology has been around, but I think they delayed the release of it for awhile until they could get it to NOT penetrate for the reasons you already stated.


Any round CAN penetrate, but some are less likely. And sometimes it depends on what is in your house. I have always recommended trying stuff out to see how it will react. There are many types of dry wall mixes available and some are more likely to be penetrated than others. Even humidity and temperature in the home can play a small role on penetration levels. Don't over think it, but do make sure you know what you've got and how it will react in YOUR environment.



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