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Stay classy, Cleveland

Alex L.

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CLEVELAND - It's an unthinkable crime. Cleveland Police say a group of teens -- aged, 15-18 years -- pulled a 73-year-old man from his car, then kicked, beat and punched him relentlessly.


The vicious assault was caught on a surveillance camera.


Sgt. David Rutt of the Cleveland Police Dept. says the teens started attacking after the man and his 51-year-old friend, got angry because the teens were loitering near his house.


"There was a group of six to seven juveniles standing in the driveway, blocking their entrance," said Sgt. Rutt. "The juveniles became more aggressive."


Sgt. Rutt says the men did the right thing, by driving away from the E. 71st St. home in an attempt to get away from mob of angry teens.


Police say the men drove down the street to Harpster's Market.


The 51-year-old man got out of the car and went inside to call police. According to police, that's when the trouble began.


"The juveniles followed them down to the market and while the one man is inside using the phone to call police, the crowd began to taunt the passenger," said Sgt. Rutt.


The teens the pulled the 73-year-old man from his car.


First, two teens started kicking him, then the group grew to around six teens, all beating, punching and kicking the elderly man.


The mob of teens also attacked the 51-year-old man. Both were hospitalized, one with facial fractures.


Cleveland police have arrested four of the teens seen in the video, but they're still looking for two more.


Sgt. Rutt says the surveillance video clearly shows the severity of the crime.


"You can see on the video you have a large group of young adults basically assaulting two very elderly gentleman."


And although the the attack happened in late March, police are still actively looking for the other two suspects.


If you have any information on this incident, call the Cleveland Police Department.


My generation is awesome.

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I wonder what the race of the teens were and the 2 old guys. Usually race is the first thing mentioned in the news these days.


Makes me wonder.


I didn't want to say that, but I'll be honest I did wonder myself. Being a white male, I automatically assume it was a white group of kids for some reason. But honestly I don't think race matters, it's the fact that a group of people could do that kind of thing to another human.

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Few suggestions to the victims family:


  • Cell Phones...buy one, even a pre-paid one and use it.
  • CCW...you have a right, exercise it.
  • 3,000lb car...rolling weapon. When in danger, it's a great way to plow down a group of thugs.


My parents are approaching their 80's and are not cell phone people, but they keep a pre-paid one my sister and I got them charged and with them at all times. My father doesn't have a CCW, but he's had a gun in his car for years and will carry one when in a bad area. As he says, he's old and if someone fucks with him, their good as dead as he'll never see the consequences anyhow.

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he's had a gun in his car for years and will carry one when in a bad area. As he says, he's old and if someone fucks with him, their good as dead as he'll never see the consequences anyhow.



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As he says, he's old and if someone fucks with him, their good as dead as he'll never see the consequences anyhow.



Too bad these guys didn't get rid of those worthless little bastards before they can become a bigger drain to society.

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I would not be afraid of this.


Really? Do you think that someone would go to so much trouble to make the rest of the gun look absolutely indiscernible from the real thing, and then somehow totally forget to drill a hole in the end of the fake barrel? Or do you think that just possibly they got a bit of shine on the end of the muzzle in that frame? Cause, uh, producing a prop gun that accurate is gonna cost a lot more than just buying a real one.

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Really? Do you think that someone would go to so much trouble to make the rest of the gun look absolutely indiscernible from the real thing, and then somehow totally forget to drill a hole in the end of the fake barrel? Or do you think that just possibly they got a bit of shine on the end of the muzzle in that frame? Cause, uh, producing a prop gun that accurate is gonna cost a lot more than just buying a real one.


You both may be right and wrong. Who's not to say that wasn't a real, working firearm at one time? It may be that they've capped it temporarily or even permanently for either prop and/or museum use.

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