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I taught English for 2 years in Japan for a pivate school for kids. It was not through the JET program and paid a little less, but I didn't have to work as hard either. It was the best learning experience I have ever had.


Thats cool, I would like to get into the JET program one day, lol. I am finishing up my bachelors at DeVry, then I am going to go somewhere else for Japanese.

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I raced the Miata back in 03 in Colorado. I traded it for the daily driver white 99 Miata because I couldn't afford to keep racing at the time, and the race car needed a radiator.


I was on a really tight budget, and used to drive the car to the track, change tires, race and drive home. I actually got everything I needed including a set of tires in the Miata with the passenger seat removed.


I recommend Spec Miata to anyone looking for tight and affordable racing. You can get a race ready car for around $10 if you look hard, or do it yourself. It may be budget like mine, but since it is a spec class, that doesn't mean you are slow.


thats cool must not be the same car im thinking about then. What part of japan did you live in? I am japanese was just wondering where you taught english at? A few of my cousins are really into them little mini van things lol.

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I lived in Aichi prefecture in Okazaki City. It is about a 20 minute train ride from Nagoya. The company I where I worked is called Peppy Kids Club (cool right :p). We taught kids from about 2-15 years old.


I managed to learn some Japanese, and to learn a lot about myself and the world there. I loved the little cars there too. They make so much sense on the tight roads, and are super practical. Sometimes I would take my wife's car and drive it on some mountain roads and really push that little 600cc motor.

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Welcome you tool. This guy is ok, lives in the other half of my duplex. Here is is tearing up Time Trials at Mid Ohio last year.




can't be tearing it up too much with the heavy ass rx-8 wheels. :)



Welcome to the board.

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Don't let the heavy wheels fool you. I still managed a 1:43.966 lap time on the Mid Ohio Pro course in April. Besides the wheels and Nitto NT01 tires, I only have a Cobb rear sway bar, camber plates, and upgraded brake pads.


So for a basically stock car the Speed3 does pretty well. I ran down a late model Mustang GT with big sticky tires too. That is why the Mazdas are taking over this forum one grocery bag at a time. I only hope the M3 can beat that time.

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I lived in Aichi prefecture in Okazaki City. It is about a 20 minute train ride from Nagoya. The company I where I worked is called Peppy Kids Club (cool right :p). We taught kids from about 2-15 years old.


I managed to learn some Japanese, and to learn a lot about myself and the world there. I loved the little cars there too. They make so much sense on the tight roads, and are super practical. Sometimes I would take my wife's car and drive it on some mountain roads and really push that little 600cc motor.


Thats awesome you lived there besides being in the military, okazaki is a very very beautiful place aka "castle town". Anymore it is harder and harder to teach english in japan. How did you end up being a teacher in japan? Did you have some type of reason other then just wanting to teach ? . Is your wife japanese? Do you have a work visa ? not being nosey im just wondering.

JEP program that word seems to be used by every person that either has never been to japan or is trying to go lol. You go onto any military base in japan or school kid and thats how they plan to stay or go to japan. Never seems to work.

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Thats awesome you lived there besides being in the military, okazaki is a very very beautiful place aka "castle town". Anymore it is harder and harder to teach english in japan. How did you end up being a teacher in japan? Did you have some type of reason other then just wanting to teach ? . Is your wife japanese? Do you have a work visa ? not being nosey im just wondering.

JEP program that word seems to be used by every person that either has never been to japan or is trying to go lol. You go onto any military base in japan or school kid and thats how they plan to stay or go to japan. Never seems to work.


I wanted to live abroad, and after some research, teaching English in Japan looked to be a good option that also paid better than some other countries. It is getting harder since NOVA went bankrupt and flooded the market with teachers, but there are still a lot of private schools out there. I happened to know someone who had taught there, and that person connected me with the company I eventually worked for.


My wife is indeed Japanese.


The company sponsors work visas, but now I could get one because I am married to a Japanese woman.



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Thats awesome you lived there besides being in the military, okazaki is a very very beautiful place aka "castle town". Anymore it is harder and harder to teach english in japan. How did you end up being a teacher in japan? Did you have some type of reason other then just wanting to teach ? . Is your wife japanese? Do you have a work visa ? not being nosey im just wondering.

JEP program that word seems to be used by every person that either has never been to japan or is trying to go lol. You go onto any military base in japan or school kid and thats how they plan to stay or go to japan. Never seems to work.


You seem to have a lot of messed up facts...

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Don't let the heavy wheels fool you. I still managed a 1:43.966 lap time on the Mid Ohio Pro course in April. Besides the wheels and Nitto NT01 tires, I only have a Cobb rear sway bar, camber plates, and upgraded brake pads.


So for a basically stock car the Speed3 does pretty well. I ran down a late model Mustang GT with big sticky tires too. That is why the Mazdas are taking over this forum one grocery bag at a time. I only hope the M3 can beat that time.


my bad I didn''t realize it was a speed 3 thought is was just a 3 hatch.

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You seem to have a lot of messed up facts...



How are my facts messed up? I went throught the jep programin school public then private, my mom is on her 24th year. How the fuck am I going to listen to someone who thinks japan is like the cartoons and has never even set foot in a japense school.

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How are my facts messed up? I went throught the jep programin school public then private, my mom is on her 24th year. How the fuck am I going to listen to someone who thinks japan is like the cartoons and has never even set foot in a japense school.


Here we go, just like I predicted would happen, okami. My grandpa was a pro hockey player in Canada and was a coach at OSU for many years, does that mean I know anything about it? Negative, I don't know a dern thing about hockey.


For some reason, you have seen fit to single me out just because I am working toward going to Japan, ever since the first time I mentioned it. I don't know what your deal is, but it needs to stop. Maybe its the racism that I keep hearing that some JETs experience.


Cartoons? Please, you really thing thats why I want to go to Japan and teach? Get your head out of your ass.


And again, check your facts. If you are getting this from your mom, maybe its time she checked hers, also.

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Here we go, just like I predicted would happen, okami. My grandpa was a pro hockey player in Canada and was a coach at OSU for many years, does that mean I know anything about it? Negative, I don't know a dern thing about hockey.


For some reason, you have seen fit to single me out just because I am working toward going to Japan, ever since the first time I mentioned it. I don't know what your deal is, but it needs to stop. Maybe its the racism that I keep hearing that some JETs experience.


Cartoons? Please, you really thing thats why I want to go to Japan and teach? Get your head out of your ass.


And again, check your facts. If you are getting this from your mom, maybe its time she checked hers, also.



Way to ruin a good intro thread.....

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Sorry, wasn't my goal, but sometimes a bitch needs smacked.



You're overweight ass is not smacking anyone. Now go back to playing video games and shoving poky's and pocari sweat into that fat ass melon you call a face. Racist? Not really just sick of all the fat wapanese in japan.

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