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Ms USA...


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WTF do illegals have anything to do with a CITIZEN being voted Miss USA?


I'm going to bet you have less of a problem with illegals, and more of a problem with foreign people in general.......



Got the same vibe, but if she was a blonde haired, blue eyed girl that immigrated from Sweden, would this thread exist ?

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Did you guys know shes from Michigan? Forget where she was born, she relocated to hell and is doing the devils work while representing all that is wrong with the USA... Michigan!


Either way I would have her screaming OH and would just keep saying IO everytime I hit her sweet spot!

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^ she is a Goddess


Agree........now that's an ASS I'd bang.....just the right size :p she's smokin HOT!! We need more of "her kind" over here if you ask me. Legal, illegal, I don't care what country she stems from. I'd hit it!

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Alright so since she is hot its ok, but people bitch about Obama being president yet there is really no proof that he isn't a natural born citizen. Pussy got mind control over you lol


Yeah I was wondering if anyone else was thinking of the whole Obama "birther" movement when this came up. My opinion on that is the same as this, which is that if he can do the job I give <1 shits. Ultimately everyone's family comes from a foreign place if you look far enough back. That is unless part of your name is "Running Bear", but even the natives came from somewhere else if you go far enough back. So unless your last name contains "-osaurus" you descended from fucking emigrants. [/tangent]


Edit - this post isn't directed at you personally, just my observations.

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I'm surprised there isn't any pics of her. Guess I will have to google her.


Edit- She is beautiful.







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Whether she was born here or not is irrelevant. She is a US citizen who was born somewhere else, so who better to represent America? She is America. As for Obama, I don't like him, I didn't vote for him, but he is president and that's the way it is. If they find out tomorrow he was actually born on Mars, I really wouldn't care, he is still president and as such commands the respect of one. If a majority of the vote found him to be our leader, so be it.
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