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I despise an Upper Arlington cop


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im agreeing that they can go either way. Ive seen both. I got pulled over in pataskala for doing almost 60 in a 35. I got a ticket, but the cop was nice about it lol. Ive also got pulled over and screamed at by a statey because i accidentally chriped my tires. the sad part is, ive also seen paramedics be complete dicks to. I hit a deer in my firebird one night (so i was already beyond pissed) and ended up in the ditch on summit road in pataskala. I called my dad to come pull my ass out and about the time we get it hooked up (pulling me out by a chain with my moms trailblazer) the paramedics come flying down the road and cut my dad off as he is pulling me out. He was able to get me out far enough that i could get out of the car but the douches wouldnt move so we could finish. Needless to say i went nuts on there asses lol
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I stand corrected :cool:


And yet nowhere is there text explicitly stating they must get out of their car in the rain to help push a motorists car into a lot. Just like you wouldn't expect that everyone driving down 270 would simultaneously pull over to help you out or give you a ride.

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Any police officer should at least pull up to a disabled vehicle roll down his window, and ask if you are ok. Police officers are supposed to be held to a higher standard then normal citizens.


The only 2 times I have had a car break down on me I had a cop drive by and ask if they could call a tow truck for me. At least they cared. Every other cop should be the same way.

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Just like you wouldn't expect that everyone driving down 270 would simultaneously pull over to help you out or give you a ride.


No. Everyone on 270 pulling over simultaneously for 1 car would be absurd. :)


I would just expect them (not that they all do) to act like they aren't in the job for gUnz n b00biez!!1!11!!!!


Common human decency says if you can help someone then help them. It just so happens that while those people on 270 may be heading to work, the hospital, etc. and may not "have time" an officer is on the job, getting paid, and should lend a hand if able. To sit and watch someone struggle is disrespectful.


That being said I personally have nothing wrong with our men and women in law enforcement. I just think that if able, they/we should help.


...and yes, before you throw the hypocrite flag I have helped/given rides to ppl I don't know when desperate, bought people meals and even nights in hotel rooms, and I have also been "too busy" to help someone. I'm not perfect. The difference is I don't get paid and didn't take an oath "to protect and serve."


Just MHO.

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I know this cop. He harassed the shit out of me and some friends because my car was parked in a parking lot next to a building which had been broken into the night before. This guy is the biggest fuck I have ever met, practically accusing me of robbery based on where my car was parked. Keep in mind I was 17 at the time, and he was threatening to arrest me.


I praise you for giving him the finger.

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i never asked for him to come wrench on my car or anything just perhaps sit in his SUV truck thing with the lights on while i pushed it as cars were just whizzing by, i just didnt want to hinder anyones commute by letting my car just sit there so i moved it which is more then most would do. Or even push it with his truck none of which involved him getting out. Just a simple roll down window "hey bud you are ok need any help" which is what many other cops have done when i have been broken down. I mean is that to much to ask of someone whos job it is to help citizens?


Note this isnt a bash on all cops hence the thread title isnt i hate all UA cops or something of that nature. I respect what they do day in and day out but its just the things like this could help their image. I mean its not like i looked shady i was in my work clothes to go to Chase lol and it was broad daylight.


dragknee his car/truck thing was plate S-10 i think

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And yet nowhere is there text explicitly stating they must get out of their car in the rain to help push a motorists car into a lot. Just like you wouldn't expect that everyone driving down 270 would simultaneously pull over to help you out or give you a ride.


Also that's CPD not UA.

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No where in that mission statement does it say they have to serve you..


Serving the community by catching murderers or druggies and street racers or just f body drivers yes but to be AAA nope... What happens if he's out helping you and 2 blocks away where he was going to go some old lady get car jacked and dies cuz you can't push a Honda 25 ft?



On the other hand fuck upper Arlington pd they are nothing but over paid mall cops with a gun they are way too political

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No where in that mission statement does it say they have to serve you..


Serving the community by catching murderers or druggies and street racers or just f body drivers yes but to be AAA nope... What happens if he's out helping you and 2 blocks away where he was going to go some old lady get car jacked and dies cuz you can't push a Honda 25 ft?



On the other hand fuck upper Arlington pd they are nothing but over paid mall cops with a gun they are way too political


wasnt my honda it was an 91 olds cutlass ciera lol the thing is a tank on wheels so just a tad bit heavier, and never once did i say i wanted him to get out and help just to either make it so i didnt get my ass ran over from other asshat drivers or push the damn car with his, which i have had a cop do a few years back he pushed it a good mile or 2 down to a gas station with a cruiser

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True, this isn't UA mission statement. My bad on that.


No where in that mission statement does it say they have to serve you..


We are responsible for protecting life and property...


Um, being stranded on a busy street poses threat to life and personal property.


We are organized, staffed, and trained to maximize effective and efficient public service


Not very efficient public commuting if everyone has to slow down/stop so a single person can push a boat of a car out of the way.


What happens if he's out helping you and 2 blocks away where he was going to go some old lady get car jacked and dies cuz you can't push a Honda 25 ft?


Uh, he gets the call and take it. Obviously more important. He didn't get a call and an old lady didn't get jacked though. He sat and watched. Good hypothetical though.

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Guest tbutera2112

my old truck broke down on alum creek in a busy section of the road where there was nowhere to pull over... a CPD stopped, and blocked the lane with his car, flipped on his lights, and helped me push it down the road a bit to a service drive to get it outta the road and keep me from getting ran over..


and had a highway patrol pull up behind me on 70 and put his lights on while i was fixing a flat, in the rain...even got out and asked me if i was alright, etc...



sure theyre not required to do any of that, but if they arent busy, what else they gonna be doin?

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It said they are staffed so they are maximized meaning that they can do thier job efficiantly not so they can maximize the public travel time..


Also your other points are hanging on for dear life, you are inturpretating(sp?) not quoting at this point and I am not going to argue your opinion on a matter cuz I don't care




True, this isn't UA mission statement. My bad on that.




We are responsible for protecting life and property...


Um, being stranded on a busy street poses threat to life and personal property.


We are organized, staffed, and trained to maximize effective and efficient public service


Not very efficient public commuting if everyone has to slow down/stop so a single person can push a boat of a car out of the way.




Uh, he gets the call and take it. Obviously more important. He didn't get a call and an old lady didn't get jacked though. He sat and watched. Good hypothetical though.

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Cars broken down on the side of any relatively busy road are a matter of public safety and should be addressed by any police that goes by. They don't need to get out and help, but they should check the situation. That takes nothing more than them asking a question.


If he was so busy taking care of all of the murders that happen in UA, why did he sit there and watch him? Seriously, I'd be pissed at anyone who just sat there and watch me work on my car after I broke down on the way to work. WTF are you doing? :confused:


Sounds like that particular cop is a waste of taxpayer money. There's not a need or logical reason to defend every cop, some aren't worthy of the job. Don't be an apologist for bad cops.

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Sounds like if you pushed it off to a side street, he figured you'd pull out your cell phone and get a tow or call for help. Breaking down on a side street isn't really a big deal as there's not much in the way of traffic obstruction to be concerned with.


Not agreeing with his actions, but just looking at the other possibilities.

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This thread is full of lolz. Have any of the people bitching in this thread about the cops ever have one draw on you?


I have been held at gunpoint on several occasions by the police. Its always funny to watch that crazy look in their eyes hoping you would give them just one reason to pull that trigger.


My favorite time was when U.S Marshals had to car chase me through South Charlotte and when they finally caught me I had at least 6 Feds with weapons drawn surrounding my car in broad daylight rush hour traffic.


Ahhh, the good ole days. Thank God they are gone...

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I have been held at gunpoint on several occasions by the police. Its always funny to watch that crazy look in their eyes hoping you would give them just one reason to pull that trigger.


My favorite time was when U.S Marshals had to car chase me through South Charlotte and when they finally caught me I had at least 6 Feds with weapons drawn surrounding my car in broad daylight rush hour traffic.


Ahhh, the good ole days. Thank God they are gone...


Wow was it you or the one armed man?

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It said they are staffed so they are maximized meaning that they can do thier job efficiantly not so they can maximize the public travel time..


Also your other points are hanging on for dear life, you are inturpretating(sp?) not quoting at this point and I am not going to argue your opinion on a matter cuz I don't care


Meh. That's all good. I just think he could've asked/checked to see if he could help. Maybe I should call it more of a civic duty or a moral call. If you're not busy and someone needs help, help to the extent you're able to. That's all.


No, not all cops suck. No, not all cops are lazy.


Cars broken down on the side of any relatively busy road are a matter of public safety and should be addressed by any police that goes by. They don't need to get out and help, but they should check the situation. That takes nothing more than them asking a question.



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My wife broke down on westerville rd near the 270 overpass at rush hour before and all the westerville cop did was come up and tell her she had to move it out of the street.

This was a fullsize GMC truck and she's tiny.


I'd have been fine if all he did was stop traffic for like 2 minutes and push it into the ditch, but no they have to be jerks about it.

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