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I feel the following way about CR mods...


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Why is someone trying to make the argument that mods have to attend CR meets to somehow have the authority to be mods? What does one have to do with the other? Nothing, I think.


I don't have any problems with the mods. Never have, really. Even if I did, then it wouldn't matter - this is a private site, I don't have any say about how this place is goverened, and it's a privilege to be here, not a right.


In my time here, I've seen plenty of people bitch and complain about the mods, and it's usually about a mod deleting a post or locking something or banning someone. While I can appreciate why someone wouldn't exactly like that, again, it doesn't really matter what they think or like or don't like, since it's a private site. *shrug*


As long as you have idiotic people doing and saying idiotic things and other people governing those people in some fashion, then you'll always have people bitching about something. It's a microcosm of our country and the nature of the beast.

You need to post more.


A lot more.


And don't spoon with Jones...last time I did, it required a morning after pill. :(

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Every time I see "The mods are XXX because they XXXX in my cheerios" I laugh my ass off - at the poster of such gayness.


It's just easy to blame your failure of a post on any random mod or mods rather accept blame. What is this, 4chan or powderpufffootball.com? I suggest everyone reserve their feminine napkin for the proper time. It's the internet. People say negative but hilarious shit. Get used to it or leave. Very simple rules. It's like Fight Club but without Meatloaf's tits.

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Seriously? You can't see the "inflammatory" (or more like "flaming" given the folks in question) potential of this thread?


My only problem with the mods is that I used to be one.



I liked it when it was DJ's Kitchen and you and Eli handed out verbal ass whoopins.

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Kidding. :)


Seriously though, as previously stated this is a private site. It's like walking onto someones property for a cook out that's "open invite". They run the show. Kinda got to accept that it's a privately owned shindig and you're there (here) as a guest who is being allowed access. That individual and his friends/fam aren't gonna allow someone to walk up, kick over the grill, egg their cars, punch one of their kids in the eye, cock slap their wife, and then tell them what they need to do to make their cookout better.


Just my .02...or .01 since I haven't been at a meet or track day since like 2003. :)

Edited by Otis Nice
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I like you.

You are not some internet pussy who only cares about himself.



How long have you been waiting to unleash this mega witty statement?


Either you searched through my old posts or kept this one on your mind waiting to pounce on the chance to use it. Either way it should be quoted cuz I'm a bad ass.

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