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College Football - 2010

Dr. Pomade

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If you take away all the bias circling Cam Newton and just watch him play, the guy is a stud. Auburn would not be where they are at with out him and Terrell Pryor wishes he was Cam Newton.




I think one of the reasons why I'm so bitter about Newton is because he is what we all envisioned Pryor to be: a run-away Heisman winner and leading a team to the national championship game.


I really feel sorry Michigan State having to face Alabama. Alabama, LSU, and Arkansas are very good teams.


Come bowl season, I'm always very pro-Big 10. So, I'll be rooting for MSU. However, I think they're going to get destroyed by Alabama.


I do hope to see Wisconsin put 70 on TCU


Agreed. Not only am I hoping that because of my pro-Big 10 stance (see above), but I'm tired of the TCU's and Boise's making their way in. With a convincing win by Wisconsin, we might be able to put the non-AQ's to bed for a while.

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If TCU gets blown out by Wiscy, Gordon Gee instantly becomes the smartest dude in America.


I too have become the biggest Oregon Homer in Ohio.


I think that this is a really tough matchup for tOSU. I have a lot of respect for Mallett and that passing game, those guys can flat out play.


Mich State is probably going to get deeeeeeeestroyed.


Thoughts on Newton: This has got to be the dumbest ruling by the NCAA ever. Just more circumstantial evidence that they want certain matchups, and will change the program to get them.


Also, after watching both teams throughout the season, I have to say, I am excited for the NC game. Don't blink.

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Gee only said what 95% of the college football nation thinks - it just so happens that it's politically incorrect to hate on the Boise's of the world right now. Agreed, though: a TCU thrashing = Gee validation.


BTW, I thought Gee redeemed himself really well in the fallout of his comments (which, IMO, weren't neally as bad as what they were made out to be).

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I was saying the same things, Tilley. Those comments were blown WAY out of proportion, but here's hoping he's right.


And one more thing, Bret Bilema is a grade A douche. And not just because he beat us this year. We played like poo that game and deserved to lose.

Edited by Orion
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I was saying the same things, Tilley. Those comments were blown WAY out of proportion, but here's hoping he's right.


And one more thing, Bret Bilema is a grade A douche. And not just because he beat us this year. We played like poo that game and deserved to lose.


Yup, I think Bilema is being a douche too. In fact, he reminds me of a lot of SEC coaches - Meyer, Petrino, Spurrier (especially when was with Florida) - that run up the score. Unfortunately, it's positively rewarded, as Wisconsin is now thought of being an offensive juggernaut (just like the SEC is).


On a related tangent, ever notice how overvalued offensive numbers are and undervalued defensive numbers are? It makes me crazy.


Oregon can score 65 points, but give up 35, and everyone thinks they're unstoppable.


Ohio State only scores 28, but only gives up 10, and everyone thinks they're slow and plodding.


I'll take a solid defense over a solid offense every time.

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Meyer, Petrino, Spurrier (especially when was with Florida)


El. Oh. El. I used to call him "Moamar Spurrier, the football terrorist" because of his antics running t up.


"What play, coach?"


"4th and 8? On the opponents 27 yard line? And we're winning 47 to 3? REVERSE!!!!"


I feel you on the D, though. And seriously, could the "SEC Speed" thing be any more tired? Gary DiNardo, on the bigten network bowl selection special even said "If theres one team in our league that has speed, it's Ohio State!" DAMMIT GARY! Stop proliferating that bullshit!

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Honestly, I'm not surprised. Ever since he stepped down then came right back last offseason, something has been up with him. He just didn't seem like himself, you could hear it in his voice. He always sounded fatigued and unhappy. Even his sideline demeanor was different.


I don't know if it's family or health related or what, but it's definitely a sad day for Florida football. Here's hoping they can get someone like Dan Mullen to come back. ANYONE but Steve Addazio. Fuck that guy

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The best OSU insider out there hinted that this might happen months ago. Said Meyer was not happy and his health was much worse than anyone anticipated. Word is he'll be moving back to Ohio now for this rest or break or whatever it is.


Lots of Florida fans seem to think this may have been the plan all along. He wanted one of his guys (Strong, now at Louisville, or Mullen, now at Mississippi State) to take over last year and Florida didn't want that. Stoops declined the offer to go over from Oklahoma and they talked Meyer into sticking around. Now both have a year of head coaching under their belts and Mullen, after a pretty successful year at MSU, can come back as the HC and maybe bring Strong back with him.


Good news for OSU in all of this is current Florida commit Ryan Shazier was thinking about visiting a week or so ago but Florida said if he visited he'd be done with Florida and his mom didn't like that so he didn't visit. Luckily OSU happened to be at Shazier's school today visiting his teammate (and OSU commit) Jeremy Cash. Meyer steps down, Shazier gets an official visit set up for next week. Probably going to switch to OSU. And it could mean OSU also ends up with another Florida kid, Jabari Gorman. Then it improves our chances with 2-3 other kids as well. Pretty big effect this could end up having on us.

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^^^ great info - really like what I just read, as well.


And, who knows, maybe five or six years from now Meyer reemerges on the scene...just in time for Tressel to retire? Have any feeling for how long Tressel wants to stay? Also, didn't Meyer have the "Ohio State opt out" clause in his Florida contract? Just wondering aloud.

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Some people think Braxton Miller will be the last QB Tressel sees all the way through to graduation. There's always talk that "this extension/contract will be the last for Tressel" but you never know. He's talked about how there are so many things outside of football he still wants to do with his life and there was a quote a couple years ago when the home and home series vs. Tennessee was set up (2018/2019 I think) where he said he was pretty sure he'd be sitting in a rocking chair at home watching that one but he seems to go back and forth between being gone in the next 4-5 years to possibly sticking around for another 10.


There is already that talk that "when Tressel does decide to hang it up, Urban's batteries should be recharged." But if that's not for another 5-6 years there will be a whole new crop of hot coaches to pick from. The pool will be entirely different. Right now the odds on favorite to replace Tressel is Pelini but who knows where Pelini will be or how good his resume will look when Tressel does retire.


And I think you're right with Urban having some clauses in place for Ohio State and Notre Dame. It may have only been Ohio State though. Think I remember reading somewhere that he has a giant painting of Woody somewhere in his house and he always carries a buckeye in his pocket.

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A few thoughts on Pelini. I like him and I find myself wanting him to do well. However, if he has any interest in coaching at Ohio State, I'd think he'd want to (and need to) knock off the Woody Hayes-berating players stuff, else the powers-that-be (you'd think) would never extend him an offer.
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Pelini is a Buckeye and another Youngstown guy. They'd offer him if he continues to be successful. If he keeps it up at Nebraska or ends up at Miami (which might actually make it easier to move to OSU down the line since he won't be switching within the conference) he'll be a very attractive option when the time comes.
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Wll Muschamp :cool:


You're actually happy with that hire for Florida? I guess we'll see how he does, he's young and energetic and Florida has all the talent they could ever need. So if he can't do it there he can't do it anywhere. I was expecting more out of Florida.

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You're actually happy with that hire for Florida? I guess we'll see how he does, he's young and energetic and Florida has all the talent they could ever need. So if he can't do it there he can't do it anywhere. I was expecting more out of Florida.


It made a lot of sense. I would have been just as happy with Dan Mullen or Charlie Strong, but I have a lot of faith in their AD. Foley knew what he had in those guys, so if he thinks that Muschamp would be a better hire, I trust his judgment.


Of all the candidates who weren't former coaches at Florida, Muschamp was the one that excited me the most. I love everything that I have heard about him. Whittingham, Peterson, Patterson, etc...those guys would have been ok too I suppose, but Muschamp has coached at a lot of big time schools and knows the SEC very well. Stoops/Gruden/etc was purely fiction and didn't make a lot of sense. Harbaugh would have left for the NFL after a few years so I didn't want him.

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Newton is over rated, Pryor said it best "if I played in that type of offense I would dominate college football." The difference between Newton and Pryor is, Pryor looked out for his future instead of imediate success. He could've easily went to Michigan and put up gawdy numbers by running wild. Instead he went to a school where he would struggle at times, but learn to run a pro style offense. He is light years ahead of Newton, if you think otherwise then you have drink the kool-aid. I have watched several Auburn games this year and if it wasn't for Newton running, they would have 3-4 losses.


Pryor didn't need to run this year, he had a 1000 yard back behind him in Herron. Not to mention a stable of studs waiting. He is 30-4 as a starter, not bad for a kid that is hated on by his own teams fans all the time. He has a chance to go out as the winnigest qb ever at tOSU.


I think the Heisman is a fucking joke of an award anyways. You mean to tell me that Suh shouldn't have won it last year? Unless your a running back or qb you might as well forget about it, that is unless you goto Michigan haha (Desmond Howard/Charles Woodson) I believe are the last 2 winners that didnt play RB or QB. If the Heisman is supposed to goto the best player, then why wasn't Denard Robinson there? His numbers were pretty damn equal to Newton. The difference is, Robinson doesn't have a defense to help him win games.


I think Muschamp going to Florida will be a short stint. I honestly think he is going there just to get some head coaching expierence under his belt. Once Mack Brown leaves Texas in 4-5 years, Muschamp will end up back there. Meyer will not be going to Michigan. In fact I can see him as the next coach at tOSU. In his contract he had a clause that would allow him to leave for 1 of 2 jobs, Notre Dame and tOSU.


I like tOSU's chances against Arkansas honestly. While Mallet has a big arm, he doesn't have feet that would kill tOSU. I think the d-line can pin their ears back and rush rush rush all night long. I say the score and result will be similar to the Rose Bowl last year.


The big10 as a whole isn't going to have great success in the bowl games in my opinion. I think Wisky and tOSu will be the only 2 wins they get.

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So I think the big 10 just became a huge laughing stock, when they decided to give the new divisions these names: The Legends and The Leaders divisions. Seriously wtf? Add to that, the new logo is lame as fuck



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So I think the big 10 just became a huge laughing stock, when they decided to give the new divisions these names: The Legends and The Leaders divisions. Seriously wtf?


Agreed. Who could have possibly thought that those were good names?

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So I think the big 10 just became a huge laughing stock, when they decided to give the new divisions these names: The Legends and The Leaders divisions. Seriously wtf? Add to that, the new logo is lame as fuck




First, I've never heard of "The Street," so that makes be doubtful at the get-go. You'd think the Big 10 conference would be the first to release this, not some journalistic thing out of New York.


Second, agreed, if that's really the new logo, then it sucks.


Third, the way I read the article (which I don't think is legit), it implies that the design firm (Pentagram or whatever) suggested that the Leaders and Legends could be used as names - I don't think the article is implying that those are, in fact, the names of the two divisions.


Fourth, if those are the new names, then I'll consider picking a new favorite team because that would be fucking awful.

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Taking bath with toaster tonight.


WTF? Those are horrible division names - HORR.I.BLE. So...snobby? So cheesy.


The logo reminds me of when The Gap changed it's logo and got fucking hammered for it. It looks kinda amateurish - and makes me think the entire conference is actually an homage to North Carolina basketball. Couldn't they just do black and white for the logo?


And what the eff is up with those stupid award names? Here's the Pace-Griffin-Woodson-Hayes-Butkus-Midwest-Corn-Chicago-Grass Award because we don't want to make anyone feel left out.


Fuck this nonsense.

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