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Obama after the Assualt Weapons Ban Already.


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Where are the liberals that voted for him? Why arent they defending him in this thread?

I voted for him. I'm not a liberal. & I didn't sign up for this shit.

I didn't vote for him so he could ban assault weapons, and its bullshit that he wants to

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We're all going to become "good citizens of the world"! VERY soon he will hand over control of our military forces to the UN. Watch this! Join the NRA TODAY...even if you don't own a gun they are fighting for your rights. This asshole is going to piss all over the Constitution. He didn't even get enough votes to win-George Soros BOUGHT the election for his pet puppet.

The other day I had this black dickhead start a pissing match with me and then start hollering "black president baby-don't be mad!" You dumb SOB, he's half white too, and selling your dumb black ass down the river. This guy is a MASTER bullshit twister. I don't care what color you are, you're fucked now with him at the helm.

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See, what you all don't understand is this Assault Weapons Ban news is a ploy to cover up the real hush-hush super secret ban that Congress is trying to pass.

Everyone is so busy bitching about assault weapons they totally neglect that Congress is trying to ban assault chimps too.


Quick, everyone start stocking up their babboons, bonobos, chimps, gorillas, and capuchin's before they're all OUTLAWED! It's a travesty.

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I voted for him. I'm not a liberal. & I didn't sign up for this shit.

I didn't vote for him so he could ban assault weapons, and its bullshit that he wants to

You cant tell me you didnt know that this was on his agenda. He made it clear in his campaign that he was going to do this just like he did in IL

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Yawn. People are sheep. They run and hoard things that people tell them they can't have. I don't agree that they should be banned..I don't think it will make a difference...but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. When you move to ban guns as a whole, I'll be right there in the front of the line demanding justice. Until then, I can defend my home with my shotgun or my Glock. I don't think the people are any less of a threat to the government because they can't buy an AR15. I'm sure someone on here will try to prove me wrong. Knock yourself out.

Not worried about it. We have bigger issues to deal with.

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You cant tell me you didnt know that this was on his agenda. He made it clear in his campaign that he was going to do this just like he did in IL

+1 The other side didn't do anything to get my vote except not be an admitted socialist and bleeding heart commie liberal. He didn't leave much ambiguity to his beliefs and desires...

Give me a gay black jewish woman for president, it pisses off all the right people in my book, but make sure the bitch is a fucking capitalist who supports the constitution first...


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From the first link quoted in the thread posted...

In a brief interview with ABC News, Wayne LaPierre, president of the National Rifle Association, said, "I think there are a lot of Democrats on Capitol Hill cringing at Eric Holder's comments right now."
He says this, because the last time a Democratic majority congress tried this, they lost their majority in both the house and senate. Many were voted out of office. And the president lost his party's place at the helm. Apparently some one has a short memory. I'd say they should be shaking in their boots. The time before, the reaction was immediate, and seats in congress were lost in only two years. Followed by a landslide of angry voters. I have no idea why such a politically suicidal move would be considered.

And no, I'm not a big fan of Wayne LaPierre.

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Yawn. People are sheep. They run and hoard things that people tell them they can't have. I don't agree that they should be banned..I don't think it will make a difference...but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. When you move to ban guns as a whole, I'll be right there in the front of the line demanding justice. Until then, I can defend my home with my shotgun or my Glock. I don't think the people are any less of a threat to the government because they can't buy an AR15. I'm sure someone on here will try to prove me wrong. Knock yourself out.

Not worried about it. We have bigger issues to deal with.

But if they ban assualt weapons, that will only be the start of it. He will not stop until all guns are banned.

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You cant tell me you didnt know that this was on his agenda. He made it clear in his campaign that he was going to do this just like he did in IL

Well I guess I should have said "Obama didn't win my vote because he promised to ban assault weapons", that would have been much more clear.

Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I agree with him on everything, and thats the unfair position a lot of people will put others in (as you did). I can think for myself, and I'm sure I will disagree with our President in the future. Those of you out there that think "the person I voted for is right", need to stop and think: Do you really agree with the person you elected, or are you simply agreeing to what you are told?

Disagreeing with the official you elected is not hypocrisy, its called thinking.

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But if they ban assualt weapons, that will only be the start of it. He will not stop until all guns are banned.

And you know this..how?

More fear mongering, in my opinion. No one in this country is going to allow him to ban all weapons..and he's never said such a thing.

People like to stir up shit about things like 'assault weapons', when there are more pressing things wrong with this country.

Geezus H Chrizzist! Are people really more concerned about not being able to buy a damn assault rifle, than whether or not you or your kids are going to have the kind of future you'd hope for them? Really? Wow.

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And you know this..how?

More fear mongering, in my opinion. No one in this country is going to allow him to ban all weapons..and he's never said such a thing.

People like to stir up shit about things like 'assault weapons', when there are more pressing things wrong with this country.

Geezus H Chrizzist! Are people really more concerned about not being able to buy a damn assault rifle, than whether or not you or your kids are going to have the kind of future you'd hope for them? Really? Wow.

How do I know? His record. He already got guns banned in IL. And yes he did say that he was going to put a ban on firearms.

I dont look to the govt. for my kids' future. I put money away for them myself

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Hell' date=' I'll be happy if he doesn't ban the palm of mine.

"Raugh Out Roud!!"[/quote']

This just in:

In a sudden fit of misplaced morality, congress has decided to ban "whacking-off". Stating that this is where life actually begins, Congress has attempted another round of "one-upmanship" against their congressional colleagues. Anticipating new wage taxes from a new industry created from nothingness, they are now deciding how to enforce the new federal rules. Realizing the degree of difficulty in defining such activity, a record 2.4 million pages of law have been scribed so far. Early reports indicate that women are not exempted, all devices that vibrate will be inspected, eliminated, regulated, or out right banned.

Employment opportunities abound for congressional aids to cart the documents around. Additionally, job descriptions for x-ray techs and possibly enforcement individuals with x-ray vision are circulating.

Reports are coming in that Great Britain has penned a possible similar law regarding "wanking".

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How do I know? His record. He already got guns banned in IL. And yes he did say that he was going to put a ban on firearms.

I dont look to the govt. for my kids' future. I put money away for them myself

He said a 'smart' ban on weapons..now take that for whatever it's worth. he didn't say a total ban. I'm not supporting his choice of words or actions..I'm just stating what he said.

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What kind of future are you referring to? A nice' date=' cozy Socialist future? A nice, heavily taxed, unable to defend yourself future. A future where the government is the largest employer in the country? I am thinking about my son's future. I don't trust the government with it, that's for sure.[/quote']

No, actually I was thinking more along the lines of the lack of jobs..the depression we're in..the piss poor education system in this country..you know, the little stuff. But you go ahead and worry about assault weapons and socialism. Let me know how that works out for ya.

I'm not losing any sleep yet. Like I said..bigger fish to fry.

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