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Who is getting EVO over IPHONE


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Tmobile > ATT > Verizon > Sprint




I hate dealing with tmo on the phone. every time i've called, i get somebody in india and cant understand half of what they say.


The incredible is pretty cool looking.. but I like playing games. I'll stick with iphone

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I went through it today as I was trying to cancel service. I have never gotten through to customer service at Tmobile with all the previous attempts. Phone always shut down or any number of other issues. The good news is they are replacing the G1 for known problems. If the next one fails, I made them notate the account to get me an N1.
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I hate dealing with tmo on the phone. every time i've called, i get somebody in india and cant understand half of what they say.


The incredible is pretty cool looking.. but I like playing games. I'll stick with iphone


They are actually number 2/3 now based on those wierd surveys they do. They were number one for a few years until recently. If funny how they survey a few thousand out of millions of people and use that data to say who's best.

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OK, after all day messing around off and on.. First I think the phone size is sweet. Feels sturdy and not cheap. The screen is bright and clear as hell. The processor is great. You click something and it does it right now. No delay or pause, blank white screen, none of that. The browser is sweet as well. Best I have seen since Safari. I love the social integration..amazing really. I also love the notification bar up top. I get a text while doing other shit and I can damn near read it all w/out opening messages. The video chat is nice to have. My wife and I will be using it, but lets face it...I don't need to see John Doe's face while talking to his ass. The battery life is fine. I was on it quite a bit today and it went very low, but I charged it for an hour here and there and I was fine. The camera is sweet as well. Great image qual and quick shutter speed.

What I don't like....I hate you only have 7 homescreens no matter what. There is still a slight lag in scrolling. I noticed this on a Hero I was messing with before this came out. I often find myself selecting something I don't want while trying to get it to scroll. The keyboard had arrows just under the spacebar, while is like half the length of the iPhone spacebar. Arrows liek this < >, up and down. While typing, i end up hitting these with my thumb and that pushes the cursor back into the previous word and now I am typing with a letter in front of the cursor. I realize the market is nothing close to Appstore, but it takes some getting used to with the decrease in apps. The vibrate is too soft.


My thought when it comes to iPhone....Well, I will say this phone is hands down better than my 3GS. Although, that iPhone was still more fluid. Other companies still have a ways to go before they can compete there.


All in all, it was a great purchase. I may have left a few things out, but you get the idea. I have not installed any music or pics on it yet.

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With all the hype I thought it was going to be all kinds of awesome.. Its just an incredible with a screen thats .6 inches bigger, 1gb rom, and better video resolution. Damn, HTC is cleaning up and all they are doing is making each phone they make a little bit better than the last one. They have people buying phones and jumping cell phone companies all over the place. Smart people they are yes.


P.S. The next one will be made for Tmobile. Its their turn to have the best phone again :lol:

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What is HTC sense? See all the phone reviews ab out it but never actually saw what it was





Vanilla Android:



Black info bar at top, different launcher at the bottom. Sense comes with different widgets, icons look different, different looking keyboard...



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I have not installed any music or pics on it yet.


what kind of music player do you have on it? can you sync it with itunes?( i assume not, but there has to be some app out there that would allow you to)


Im thinking about selling my itouch when i get the evo in the mail on tues. Good idea?

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I think the app is called "btunes" that allows you to iTunes sync. I am using the default play now. Works good. You place music on the SD the way you like it, in folders, and it displays in the player w/ album art. I don't see the need for ipod and evo, but if you still want some Apple, have at it.


This is awesome. Makes texting sooooooo easy.


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considering it sounds like ill be selling my itouch(wich was part of the idea behind getting this), is there a cheap place to get char charger/fm transmitters for the evo yet?


I've been looking for one myself, even though I don't get to pick up my evo until friday. This is all I've come up with:


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considering it sounds like ill be selling my itouch(wich was part of the idea behind getting this), is there a cheap place to get char charger/fm transmitters for the evo yet?


I bought a bluetooth to FM transmitter a while ago and I've been using it for my last 3 phones. Its completely wireless which is nice. So you can get a cheap microUSB car charger, and a bluetooth transmitter for pretty damn cheap.


The Snapdragon processor has a built in FM receiver and transmitter, the problem is that no one has enable the transmitter from what I know. Once someone figures it out, you wont need one anymore.


How do you get swype and how do you take screenshots. Im new to HTC


I personally dont like swype, i did at first but went back to the good old android keyboard. Last time I checked swype is a beta and you can only find it floating around forums, and some phones are now coming with it pre-installed.





There are 2 ways to take screenshots

1) Root your phone, install ShootMe from the market

2) Download the Android SDK, go into the tools folder, open ddms.bat, select device, screen capture

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Evo > Nexus 1 > Incredible > iPhone > Moto Droid



Verizon > ATT > Sprint > Tmobile


Customer service

Tmobile > ATT > Verizon > Sprint





you cant really say anything about customer service when it comes to the iphone, mainly because if there is a problem with the phone you dont go to ATT, you go to apple. They are hands down the best company to work with. Phone is replaced without question. Problems are solved quickly and easily. With verizon you have to wait 4 hours to get boopa fugdepie behind the counter to tell you that its a software update that i could have done by calling blah blah blah. When he tries that, problem is not resolved and you wait for another 2 hours for the manager to say you dropped your phone in water and they cant help you.

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