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Congratulations on regurgitating useless stat information in a feeble attempt to sound intelligent.


I am graduating this Saturday, and I can tell you that going to any school doesn't automatically qualify you as "intelligent". Some odd 80 percent of graduating high school seniors are going to attend a college somewhere -- 50+ percent of which will be serving me a McMuffin or delicious latte on my morning commute to work.


In order to relate this information to this thread, I came up with this statistical problem.


With a 100% confidence and 0% MOE, what is the probability everyone on this board wants you to shut the fuck up?


Hint: It's everyone.

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Congratulations on regurgitating useless stat information in a feeble attempt to sound intelligent.


I am graduating this Saturday, and I can tell you that going to any school doesn't automatically qualify you as "intelligent". Some odd 80 percent of graduating high school seniors are going to attend a college somewhere -- 50+ percent of which will be serving me a McMuffin or delicious latte on my morning commute to work.


In order to relate this information to this thread, I came up with this statistical problem.


With a 100% confidence and 0% MOE, what is the probability everyone on this board wants you to shut the fuck up?


Hint: It's everyone.



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Huh knew of all the other branches, didn't know there was one in Delaware.


And i don't go to osu delaware. I'm not a fucking loser or some kind of idiot. I go to main campus. I live in Morrill Tower. See, i'm actually intelligent, so i actually go to a good school. You probably go to OSU Delaware, you big dummy.


Oh wait sorry my bad, i was wrong. "Location: shit." Shit is way to far from Delaware for you to go there.



also @ Flyin Miata i know man i learned it in high school. I just have to take Stat 133 its a prereq to all my accounting classes and i didn't take AP Stat in HS.



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I told you i went there you fucking cunt. I loved going there, i was surrounded by retards and somalians, so basically i looked like a fucking badass 24/7. I guess when everyone else has hearing aids, wheelchairs or starving to death, a strapping young Caucasian looks like a god damn King. But times changed and now I currently live in Grandview and go to main as well. Big woop, still alot of fucking dumb dumbs that go to beloved "main", my first example is you.



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Main campus is weak sauce lol. Oh btw ur a dumbas if u were going to post this, the passing lane would have been a better choice. Granted this is a useless thread that helps no one, and we are glad you study your new math skills but you are one of the youngest members and most of us have already done this shit. Please post more useful nonsense or get a faster car. If you have a fast car you can post uselessnss and people will suck ur balls. Example- sam, mr carter, dover. Ur like a mean fat ugly chick. You have no good qaulities.
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Attending OSU's main campus does not make you intelligent. .





no one cares about your introduction to statistics class. my wife took that class at OSU a while back. i did one of her take home tests and knocked down 100% with absolutely no preparation--i just took it cold.


it is very likely that i forget more about wiping my ass in one day then you will learn about anything in your whole life--so you should stop posting to look smart here.

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In order to relate this information to this thread, I came up with this statistical problem.


With a 100% confidence and 0% MOE, what is the probability everyone on this board wants you to shut the fuck up?


Hint: It's everyone.


Haha, flawless.

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I told you i went there you fucking cunt. I loved going there, i was surrounded by retards and somalians, so basically i looked like a fucking badass 24/7. I guess when everyone else has hearing aids, wheelchairs or starving to death, a strapping young Caucasian looks like a god damn King.



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