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Dear Grandma Driver


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YOU FUCKING BITCH. Thank you for almost trading paint with my brand new jeep. How dare you try to merge into my lane while on the 270w entrance ramp from 71n. You and your damn Buick boat not paying attention to me in the left lane made my ABS come on. My tires were not happy with you. Let me break it down for you since you forgot how to change lanes.


1) Turn on your left turn signal

2) Turn your head to the left and check your blind spot. If no one is there see step 3

3) Change lanes



You decided to start with step 3 then do step 2 and skip step 1. You fail at driving and I hope you enjoyed my horn and middle finger.



Trowa the asshole

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1) Turn on your left turn signal

2) Turn your head to the left and check your blind spot. If no one is there see step 3

3) Change lanes


Your steps are woefully inaccurate.


The following is a better, albeit breif, how to change lanes, merge, turn:


1. Check your mirrors frequently. If you are merely changing lanes, this will allow you to guage the speed in which the vehicles behind you are approaching.


2. Check your blind spots.


3. Signal your lane change or turn.


4. Change lanes




The way it's actually done in Ohio:


1. Be sure to be immersed in a cell phone conversation.


2. Approach the rear bumper of the car in front of you.


3. Hit brakes and slow to 45mph while wildly looking to see if there is a 30 foot gap in the left lane, where traffic is moving at 75 mph. (Cell phone still being held to ear)


4. Change lanes


5. Either fail to signal at all, or when halfway into the new lane.

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The way it's actually done in Ohio:


1. Be sure to be immersed in a cell phone conversation.


2. Approach the rear bumper of the car in front of you.


3. Hit brakes and slow to 45mph while wildly looking to see if there is a 30 foot gap in the left lane, where traffic is moving at 75 mph. (Cell phone still being held to ear)


4. Change lanes


5. Either fail to signal at all, or when halfway into the new lane.


Sadly this is 100% accurate :eek:

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Step 1: Get a big suv

Step 2: Get a cool in dash dvd player

Step 3: Put porn in the dvd player

Step 4: Change lanes by accident when climaxing all over your floor

Step 5: Tell yourself its justified because you technically made a right turn signal with your naturally crooked penis.

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Step 1: Get a big suv

Step 2: Get a cool in dash dvd player

Step 3: Put porn in the dvd player

Step 4: Change lanes by accident when climaxing all over your floor

Step 5: Tell yourself its justified because you technically made a right turn signal with your naturally crooked penis.


You know the jeep came with a DVD instead of a paper book manual. Those fuckers didn't even include a DVD player in the jeep!

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Let me break it down for you since you forgot how to change lanes.


1) Turn on your left turn signal

2) Turn your head to the left and check your blind spot. If no one is there see step 3

3) Change lanes



You decided to start with step 3 then do step 2 and skip step 1. You fail at driving and I hope you enjoyed my horn and middle finger.




Can we make this a fucking Sticky for how to change lanes and respond to improper lane change?

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Today was just a bad day for driving apparently.... took me like 40 minutes to get to Subway and back on Broad from Taylor Station...


Nearly creamed some Grandpa on a tiny tiny moped... Gravity literally made me roll faster than this guy was going.


Other than that it was always a steady 5mph below the speedlimit (i know its a limit but c'mon) everywhere even to work this morning lol


oh well.... im sure the drive home will be 2x as fun

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Guest tbutera2112
i dont use my turn signal because all it does is tell the douchebag in the lane next to me to speed up to block me from getting over :rolleyes:


this is how i feel most of the time....if theyre far back, i feel no need to signal, its not like im getting in anybodys way, and if theyre right behind me, putting on my signal is just gonna make them speed up and block me like cock suckers.


i only use my turn signal to actually turn, not to change lanes most of the time

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this is how i feel most of the time....if theyre far back, i feel no need to signal, its not like im getting in anybodys way, and if theyre right behind me, putting on my signal is just gonna make them speed up and block me like cock suckers.


i only use my turn signal to actually turn, not to change lanes most of the time


Jerk. :D

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to be fair, i accelerate when changing lanes, i drive by the rule that nobody should ever have to hit their brakes for me


I like this rule.


Also, a thing I hate is when merging onto a highway and there is a car in the lane I am merging with and 3 empty lanes to the left of them. Then they decide to NOT move over. I ABSOLUTELY come over on them with no signal. I love the people that try and honk and get mad at me for coming over on them at that point.

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1) Turn on your left turn signal

2) Turn your head to the left and check your blind spot. If no one is there see step 3

3) Change lanes


Technically, you are supposed to look, then turn signal, then look again, then change lanes. :)

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Technically, you are supposed to look, then turn signal, then look again, then change lanes. :)


That maybe on the driving test but looking then looking again is a waste imo. I should of edited my post with turn on turn signal, wait 1-2 seconds, then look over shoulder. This is exactly what I do. Sometimes I have to wait longer if someone is next to me. I like warning people BEFORE I make the decision to change lanes.

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to be fair, i accelerate when changing lanes, i drive by the rule that nobody should ever have to hit their brakes for me


Then how in the fuck am I supposed to know you're wanting over so I can speed up?


Kidding. :p Excellent rule. :thumbup: This has always been my rule, as well.

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