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Who would win in a fight between He-Man and the Incredible Hulk?


Incredible Hulk, he grows stronger as he gets angrier. He-Man has purple boots and is queermosexual





edit:He-Man probably also has an iPhone

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Incredible Hulk, he grows stronger as he gets angrier. He-Man has purple boots and is queermosexual




But He-Man draws his power from a castle. I dont think we have seen his true power. Also if memory serves me right, one episode he picked up a mountain... a freaking mountain!!!! Plus the Incredible Hulk wears skinny jeans and has a Dumb and Dumber haircut...



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Dont let the 8mp camera on the Evo fool you. Iphone's 5mp camera will be better.


Video calling is a waste of space on both devices, people don't even call anymore, we just text, sure as heck not going to be video calling. It's been around outside the US for about 5 years and there's a reason it hasn't caught on, people don't use it, even less so on a device that will limit you to only using it on wifi, to a single device, on a single network.


Expect a bunch more of these pictures, but now the poo will be in HD


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But He-Man draws his power from a castle. I dont think we have seen his true power. Also if memory serves me right, one episode he picked up a mountain... a freaking mountain!!!! Plus the Incredible Hulk wears skinny jeans and has a Dumb and Dumber haircut...


All true, I even recall He-Man crushing a diamond with his bare hands.




Adam harnesses what he calls "fabulous secret powers": His clothes fall off, his voice drops a full octave, his skin turns from vanilla to nut brown, his giant sword starts gushing energy, and he adopts a name so absurdly masculine it's redundant. Next, he typically runs around seizing space-wands with glowing knobs and fabulously straddling giant rockets. He hangs out with people called Fisto and Ram Man, and they all exchange wink-wink nudge-nudge dialogue: "I'd like to hear more about this hooded seed-man of yours!" "I feel the bony finger of Skeletor!" "Your assistance is required on Snake Mountain!"

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Thanks, heh. I might be in a similar situation as you. I have family in Panama, and I go there about every six months. My iPhone is jailbroken and unlocked, and I use a pre-pay SIM with Cable & Wireless Panama while I'm down there. When I saw this new phone using only Micro SIM, I thought I was screwed until I saw those tools are available.


Still, the remaining hurdle is unlocking iOS 4.0.

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You have to pay $200 more, which is a very important part of it for most people.




it's not 200 "more" it the same price if you were a new customer. Last year to upgrade early it was 400, 500 for 16 gb and 32 gb. This year it is 200, 300.

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11:33AM Whoa it froze up for a second. "Now it never freezes up... did you all turn off your WiFi?"




Let's see....to go from 16 gig the 32 gig costs them what, $5 to build yet the jack the price up another $100? Plus in order to do video chat you have to be on wi-fi where the EVO can do it on the Sprint network. Plus the new iphone has fucking ADS on it???


I bet the most popular thing about the new iphone to the majority of people is that you can play fucking farmville on it. SELLING POINT!

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