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Scott Arniel to be named new coach of the Blue Jackets


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Press conference tomorrow at 3 to officially annouce that Scott Arniel will be the coach of the Blue Jackets. I'm pretty excited, seems like a lot of our players will fit into his style of play. Looks like maybe we might be looking now to either move back a few spots in the draft to pick up a center or move up one spot to secure Cam Fowler with the 3rd overall pick. I wouldn't expect them to go with Gudbranson now.

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And they'll still suck


I'd like to thank the peanut gallery for chiming in on this one, always dependable always the pessimist.


I like Arniel, but i really dont like what Boucher did. Everywhere i read people are saying that the Jackets shouldnt take it as a personal insult to the club that Boucher turned them down only to accept the Tampa Bay job later in the day. Maybe he had his personal reasons. The weather in Tampa alot nicer, they sit in the weakest conference with the best chance to make a first year NHL coach with one year coaching experience under his belt actually look good. In any other conference most likely they'd get crushed.


Tampa does have alot of really good talent but if im not mistaken not alot of cap room and certainly not as much as the jackets. read: cap room as growth potential. You already have a core of young talent and 10million under cap with the 4th pick in the draft.


I understand the Dispatch wanted Dineen badly and b/c of this they were a bit biased but really whats wrong with him? Players love coach's who use to play themselves and Dineen has proven himself a winner at the AHL level, so whats the problem?

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I'd like to thank the peanut gallery for chiming in on this one, always dependable always the pessimist.


I like Arniel, but i really dont like what Boucher did. Everywhere i read people are saying that the Jackets shouldnt take it as a personal insult to the club that Boucher turned them down only to accept the Tampa Bay job later in the day. Maybe he had his personal reasons. The weather in Tampa alot nicer, they sit in the weakest conference with the best chance to make a first year NHL coach with one year coaching experience under his belt actually look good. In any other conference most likely they'd get crushed.


Tampa does have alot of really good talent but if im not mistaken not alot of cap room and certainly not as much as the jackets. read: cap room as growth potential. You already have a core of young talent and 10million under cap with the 4th pick in the draft.


I understand the Dispatch wanted Dineen badly and b/c of this they were a bit biased but really whats wrong with him? Players love coach's who use to play themselves and Dineen has proven himself a winner at the AHL level, so whats the problem?


Dineen has a temper problem, I just don't think Howson wanted to deal with it.


What I don't understand is why Boucher would go to Tampa? They were criticizing Columbus for offering him the job b/c our defensive core isn't full of puck handlers (their words not mine). Tampa's core has even less puck handlers and really only two decent D-men on the squad, Hedman and Ohlund. It really boggles me that he could have had Kris Russell, Anton Stralman, John Moore, Grant Clitsome, and even the possibility of drafting Cam Fowler with the 4th pick or moving to 3rd to grab him.


I've heard from some guys who are near Manitoba and fans of Vancouver that Arniel is one of the good ones. He helped a struggling goalie, Cory Sneider, come back from a bad year and put up the best numbers in the AHL. Also got a very stubborn Michael Grabner to start playing to his potential, who was moved up to the big leagues this year. I'm really happy with what's going on with our team.


Not to mention that it took Arniel probably less than an hour to say he wanted the job, compared to the weekend Boucher had to think it over. I'd rather have someone who definitely wants to be on our team and someone who has to think it over.

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Let's not foget Boucher is a Wunderkind, he has ONE year of AHL coaching experience and will be the youngest (and thus, most inexperienced) coach in the NHL. Everyone was touting his education and the fact that he has 3 BA's, with one being in sports phsychology. Sure thats great but do you take book smarts over experience?


Im happy with Arniel, he seems like more of a 'safe bet' than anything. All of his former players have nothing but good things to say. He's a former player himself which goes a LONG way in the locker room and from what i understand he knows how to interact with players and get them to play their A game.


As for puck movers, i honestly think we really only have two in Kris Russel and John Moore (who will be a rookie), 3 if you count our 4th overall pick. But your right, Tampa Bay has even less than us but way more skillful forwards. Im sure Boucher has his reason's, but i sure hope we get to play Tampa Bay this season and see who came out on top.

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