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My kid is looking for a job


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Thought I would try to help. She is 21, no pics have ever been taken so don't ask lol ;), she has been mainly restaurants but her current is in a inbound call center doing retention work. North end of town would be great but I am open to any side of town.


She loves the call center but hates retention work.


Any call centers hiring???


She needs some help so I thought I would try.


Oh did I say she has never had a pic taken and never wants to??

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I wouldn't wish Chase on my worst enemy, but it is a call center and they are always hiring.. pays like $12/hr.


Tell her to stay away from Paul.





But yes chase is hiring alooootttt of stuff at the corporate office off polaris parkway.


Go to jpmorganchase.com make. Profile an go from there

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JEGS is usually hiring for Customer Service this time of year. I don't know the pay but I would guess around $12/hr depending on experience. They work either here in Delaware or on the East side near 70/Hamilton Rd.


Plus she'd get a discount on car parts... :D

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What about Alliance Data On Schrock rd they always have hiring signs up


id say this, but i don't think we're hiring many if at all right now. our sign out front says to visit the website for "future job postings". worth a shot though


and as for teleperformance/safelite, my brother used to be at teleperformance hated it, went to safelite about 6 months ago. just a random/funny fact is once he left teleperformance, his stress levels went down so much, he was able to completely stop taking medicine for heartburn the dr. told him was stress related. he loves safelite and was able to start there in the department that handles escalated calls due to his prior experience, and is making a few bucks more than just the lowly claims reps

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As you probably already know, there can be a ton of cash to be made in restaurants. Not sure if that is something shes interested in based on the initial post, but my fiance works at J Liu in Worthington and does pretty well, though the hours can suck.
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what does teleperformance actually do? I know alliance data does collections, and obviously safelite is autoglass.


Teleperformance is a call center for Verizon online services such as FIOS. They do the technical support side of things. they have a few other projects i just don't remember what they are.

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