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contract talks


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Most of you know I play racquetball for ohio state, and I tour a lot on my own. My main sponser is a company called head racquet sports. They do a lot of tennis, racquetball and winter sports gear. They have been covering me for 3 yrs now. Well this past yr I out played my terms by winning college rball nationals, won 3 tournaments and placed in 7. Plus my ranking jumped over 62 spots in a calender yr. Well now they don't want to upgrade me to a full pro sponser wich means they pay for all my costs, hotels, flights, travel exspenses, ect ect. They pay portional now and I feel I deserve it. I have to use multiple companoes to even keep up and sometime front the money myself. Should I be exploring another company or stick it out. Plus I had an offer to start my own clothing line that really has my intrest. What would you do?
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I am probably not qualified to answer this properly, but if I were you, I'd head towards the direction with the greater earnings potential, while you can.



























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Will your clothing line say "Phag"? ;)


No but that would be funny


Its either going to be " killer instinct" or " evolution sports" haven't decided yet. But having my own sports clothing line will be uber baller.

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Starting your own clothing line sounds really exciting, but its a ton of work and not all its cracked up to be. Explore other sponsors - see what they want to offer - take that to your current sponsor...
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The thing about sponsors is that you are a walking billboard. Every company wants there name in giant letters above other company's and want specifics. I.e our osu team is nike based, we can't wear anyother brand that rivals nike when wear nike or ohio state gear. If I do my own line I can pretty much pick where I want sponsors placed and how often I want to wear them. Its a lotta lil shit but I'm going to keep talk8ng with them til the end of the week. Anything less than what I want is just not worth it
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Phil.. ask your sponsors really how many blaclk racket ball players are threre. Say if u don't want me I'm sure some other Company willl pick you up so that they can be considered diverse






Disclaimer I ment that in no way racist

























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Phil.. ask your sponsors really how many blaclk racket ball players are threre. Say if u don't want me I'm sure some other Company willl pick you up so that they can be considered diverse






Disclaimer I ment that in no way racist



























Racist dildo.

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