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I'm tired, just a little chat


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Replaced our driveway today and I am tired. Since I havent worked in a year and a half we were on a very tight budget so hiring professionals was out of the question. I had a few buddies that used to do concrete, and since I cant maneuver as I used to, I hired them dirt cheap. It didnt surprise me at all to see them taking tokes on the weed pipe in between pouring and letting the concrete setup. Not the most professional job, professionals have some equipment we didnt have, but as long as it holds up under the cars, it should be good enough. Came in just over budget but way cheaper than the quotes. It felt good to finally get it done. Hopefully we get to enjoy it since there has always been concern about how long we hold onto the house with no real income coming in. I see why the Dr. said I will never be able to do this kind of work again because the foot swelled up quite a bit. Anyways I was bored and jus though I'd share.
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Foot is shot, I can do stuff with it but I ultimately have to pay the price each night. I get very little sleep anymore and even less exercise. I honestly didnt even realize you offered but I forget alot these days. I will get some pics up tomorrow after the forms are stripped.
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Foot is shot, I can do stuff with it but I ultimately have to pay the price each night. I get very little sleep anymore and even less exercise. I honestly didnt even realize you offered but I forget alot these days. I will get some pics up tomorrow after the forms are stripped.


Sorry to hear, man.

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It has healed as much as it ever will. I was told by 3 different specialists that its not a matter of healing or getting better but a quality of life issue. I have to decide what I want to do realizing that it will cause pain. I went in last week and practically begged them to do something so it doesnt hurt if I want to play ball with the kids or go for a walk with my wife and they flat out told me theres nothing they can do. It was suggested early on that they may fuse the bones by running a screw through the bottom of my foot up through the ankle which means it will never bend again but I say fuck that. They cant figure out why my ankle is so messed up since the concrete appears to have done the majority of the damage to the foot itself.
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They cant figure out why my ankle is so messed up since the concrete appears to have done the majority of the damage to the foot itself.

I'm no doc, but I wouldn't be surprised if the muscles, ligaments, and tendons were damaged as your body went wacko during the moments after the accident. Between uncontrollable muscle contraction, neural damage, swelling, and everything else that was going on, it's hard to see how there wouldn't be at least some sort of collateral damage.

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It has healed as much as it ever will. I was told by 3 different specialists that its not a matter of healing or getting better but a quality of life issue. I have to decide what I want to do realizing that it will cause pain. I went in last week and practically begged them to do something so it doesnt hurt if I want to play ball with the kids or go for a walk with my wife and they flat out told me theres nothing they can do. It was suggested early on that they may fuse the bones by running a screw through the bottom of my foot up through the ankle which means it will never bend again but I say fuck that. They cant figure out why my ankle is so messed up since the concrete appears to have done the majority of the damage to the foot itself.


Prasthetic? I got a sharp saw. We came just tell the doc you got your foot stuck under a heater. ;)


But on a serious note, I'm sorry to hear that. I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like to not be able to do things with the son and fiance.

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