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Sawmill Rd

Mr. Allinder

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We spent some quality time with CPD on Saturday night. The landlord of the Circuit City parking lot is willing to let us come up there and hang out if the following things are carried out:

1. Clean up after ourselves. Some peeps have been leaving their trash around and the landlord has to pay someone to come clean up. This also means pick up you cig butts.

2. No more drifting in the parking lot(whoever that guy with the 740i is), no more racing on Federated Blvd, and no more burnouts. That will bring the CPD around more and we'll have to spend more quality time with them.


The officers that came up were real cool about it. They know we don't have really anywhere to hang out and he said that the landlord has signed all the paperwork to keep us out of there, but knows its just a few that is messing it up. Pass the word around.



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I'll go out on a limb here and say rule #2 will and can not be followed.


I have already seen video on facebook of people doing big ass burnouts in the lot down the rows of cars.


I will give this spot 2 more weekends at the most before it gets shut down.

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I have already seen video on facebook of people doing big ass burnouts in the lot down the rows of cars.


I will give this spot 2 more weekends at the most before it gets shut down.



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I agree with you guys. I'm not one of the guys thats making a mess or out racing up and down Federated. But we all know someone thats lined up down at the light or was causing their car to backfire. The cops know its just a few people doing it and not the group as a whole.

I'm just passing along what I was told by CPD and their expections for us to be able to have somewhere we can hang out.

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2 weeks ago I went out and with in 30 minutes had to move my car to a safer area for fear one of several D bags losing control and taking out what I have spent 5 years working on. This weekend, I pulled in with 2 other FD's and parked way off to the side. Worth it, and people interested came over to look at our cars.


That idiot in the 740 will have that car broken soon. If not by the engine problem that I heard, than by him wrecking it. I can only hope he is a one car accedent.


If people want to keep this spot, than it will take putting people in check. You see someone leaving shit on the ground, tell them to pick it up.


Someone doing burn outs and drifting, people need to know their place and be told to leave. Of course there's no enforcing this. So it sucks

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That idiot in the 740 will have that car broken soon. If not by the engine problem that I heard, than by him wrecking it. I can only hope he is a one car accedent.


Who is in a 740 and racing it? I hope it's boosted and fast as stock those fuckers are slow pigs. There's a dude in a black or dark green one around me just up the street from CC. (Brookside Woods area) that tries to fuck with me all the time and gets walked like a dog. I remember doing the same to him in my GXP.


And racing up and down Federated...are you kidding me....there are so many potholes and patches that it's like a GM Washboard Testing facility. Dumb.

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I don't know who he is. I saw him the first time I was out and after I moved my car didn't see him again that night. Saturday night, I heard about him racing and losing control in the race and barely kept it on the street. This was before I got there though. Sounds like the same car you are seeing though. Engine sounded like it had a miss or some type of sputter in it when he took off down Federated Saturday night.
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Who is in a 740 and racing it? I hope it's boosted and fast as stock those fuckers are slow pigs. There's a dude in a black or dark green one around me just up the street from CC. (Brookside Woods area) that tries to fuck with me all the time and gets walked like a dog. I remember doing the same to him in my GXP.


And racing up and down Federated...are you kidding me....there are so many potholes and patches that it's like a GM Washboard Testing facility. Dumb.



There are people that do it! Federated fails as evan a bad street to walk on, yet alone drive on!

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Sounds like the same car you are seeing though. Engine sounded like it had a miss or some type of sputter in it when he took off down Federated Saturday night.


Can't say I heard the engine miss. He was falling too far back. Just last week he tried boomeranging around me on Sawmill past Kroger heading north. Failed big time. :cool: He's likely just stock with a car about to put him into repair-debt haven.

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Well, I'm sometimes there on Fridays. I have no problem politely (the first time) telling someone to cut the shit before we're all booted.


Thank you sir. It's all about policing ourselves. CPD was super cool about the whole thing. They know we have nowhere to hang out. They don't want to boot us out of there. As long as everyone uses common sense, the lot will be open for us to use.

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I cant believe at this stage of the game people are still looking for places to hang out. There was a time when people hung out and never ever had some douche kid show up to ruin it.


This. I've pretty much given up on any night time meets. They never work out. The douches always ruin it.

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Someone needs to step up and yell at these people. A good verbal ass whooping followed by the cheers of the community should make them GTFO.




Too bad everyone bitches on CR about how stupid people act but they say nothing to the people doing it, given there an opportunity.



From now on, everyone should really give people shit about acting stupid at these meets, otherwise this one is coming to and end, quick.

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We have located a spot for us as well, and the owners have agreed to similar terms.


Do yourselves a faovr and someone bring a trash can with trash bag.. and just throw it out there.. People surprisingly will use it..


Setting up ground rules and someone being in charge REALLY makes a difference in the asshatery being stopped, and you dont have to be a big douche about it eitehr, just make it clear, acting like a retard and you will be asking them to leave.. If they dont stop, have the CPD come and remove them, point will be taken seriously, and people will be happy to have someplace chill and nice to hang out.

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