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Anyone on here a lawyer, or know of one that could give me advice for cheap/free?




Free...cheap...no. First visits are usually free, but it's just to look into the viability of your situation. No one is going to give you advice for free. Some insight maybe. No lawyer works for free.


You might want to start by posting the area of practice/nature of your case. Otherwise, no one can help.

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Well, heres the deal...


I was in a wreck on Friday night and the guy who hit me, and myself, were both cited. I was in the left turn lane on morse road, trying to turn onto 71, and the light turned yellow, I looked, saw no one, and turned. I was trying to clear the intersection. Next thing I know, im hit.


I was completely okay with getting a ticket after talking to the cop, he said its hard not to give someone a ticket when they're turning left at a yellow light, whatever. I was going to pay it, deal with my car, and be done.


Today, I got a call from the guy who hit me. Apparently, he got the police report and thought it was a good idea to call me? Still blows my mind.. But ok. He asked how I was doing, and I thought maybe he was just being nice. Then, he asks if im going to fight the ticket, and im like wtf? I told him I'm waiting on my ins company to tell me what I should do. He then says well, you know it was your fault right? I had the right away. I ended the call, but from the sounds of it, he's planning something. My gut tells me I need to be prepared for anything at this point.


It could be nothing, but I want to be prepared.

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No, He was speeding down morse road, and the light was red by the time he got through it and hit me.


Sounds like you were both found at fault. He's likely trying to claim he wasn't. Something might be up with his insurance and his record.


I had a simliar thing happen to me a few years back. Gal turned left in front of me as she ran a yellow. Me too. I hit her. So in my case, I was the other guy in your situation.


I was NOT cited as a witness came forward and said I had cleared the light by several lengths and that I did not run a yellow or red light. I had zero skid marks as I totally didn't expect her to turn. She was cited and found guilty.


Call a friend of my wife's.


Jason Blum (Bloom)

(614) 445-8416

52 W Whittier St

Columbus, OH


Several folks here have used him.

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Thanks for the info.


I'm guessing he's trying to do something because as far as I know, he doesn't have insurance. But, All I really need to know is, we were both cited, thats it right? I mean, he could fight it, and not get the ticket, but if he does that and I don't, will things change, or will that put all the blame on me? I'm so confused, this is why i need to talk to someone. Hah.

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Ah geez he doesn't have insurance? He deserves every bad thing coming to him and more.


Agreed, second time I've been hit by someone without insurance in the last year and a half. But, with my luck somehow this will get turned around on me. I really hope & pray that doesn't happen, but I feel like I should be covered just in case.

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On the police report, they fked up and said you were in the car with me Pat. So yes, sorry. I'm not trying to go to court, but if he does... I think I need to be ready for it.


How did they fuck that up? I even fucking went over it with him when I finished writing it.

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How did they fuck that up? I even fucking went over it with him when I finished writing it.


IDK. But, on the copy of the police report I have, it says that you were the passenger. They are reallllly dumb apparently.

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1. I would fight the ticket. It shows you don't feel your at fault.

2. Let your Insurance company handle things. they will side with you and go after him for your damages, regardless of what he says happened. his dl will get suspended for no insurance.

3. don't get a lawyer, I think it would be a waste of money in this situation. if he sues you your insurance comp will rep you. sounds like he dosen't have anything to give if you sue him.


were you injured?

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wierd, because i know shaun told you we went right by you that night on our way out to dinner/drinks for my birthday. you ok? the cars both looked pretty fucked up. you dont have much luck with that car


Yeah, I'm still not back to normal and its been a week tomorrow, but im getting better. No broken bones, and I'm still alive so I'm happy. Did you see the big hit me sign on my car, cause I never did., but apparently it was there.. Lol

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1. I would fight the ticket. It shows you don't feel your at fault.

2. Let your Insurance company handle things. they will side with you and go after him for your damages, regardless of what he says happened. his dl will get suspended for no insurance.

3. don't get a lawyer, I think it would be a waste of money in this situation. if he sues you your insurance comp will rep you. sounds like he dosen't have anything to give if you sue him.


were you injured?


I think i'm going to fight it. I didn't have any clue as to what happened after I was hit, cause I went into shock apparently, but new info has been told to me, and I'm 100% sure it was not my fault now.


I talked to someone tonight who told me the same thing about the insurance company taking care of things.. I was just worried the guy would try to screw me over or something, IDK. I've never been in this situation before, so I was just freakin out.


Nothing was broken, but I'm still having a hard time walking and standing for any amount of time at all. I'm extremely sore, and my knee and back hurt pretty badly. But, in this situation... I think im pretty lucky to be alive.

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