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What's a good supplement to start with for someone new to working out? Not trying to be a body builder. I am taking protein now. I started this week and I feel like I'm recovering from a bat attack. Sore ftl
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protein, glutamine, creatine, and a good multivitamin should be plenty.


your diet is the most important part..



bodybuilding.com is your friend.. and yes i read you didnt want to be a body builder but there nutrition articles are second to none

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protein, glutamine, creatine, and a good multivitamin should be plenty.


your diet is the most important part..



bodybuilding.com is your friend.. and yes i read you didnt want to be a body builder but there nutrition articles are second to none


Glutamine will help you recover better/faster. It doesnt matter if your body building or trimming down most people still use Glutamine, along with regular protein shakes will help alot too.


And he's right, your diet is the biggest portion of your workout routine by far.

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Meth sprinkled with crack gets you ripped.


remember not to put to much in to supplements; they are there, well....supplement to food. lean meats as mentioned above. Beef jerky as a snack and don't skip the veggies. Fish, turkey and organ meats are great for you generally, much less as a source as protein and they break the monotony of chicken/beef. Also dont forget the beans. Black bean are my favorite and there are a ton of brazillian dishes taht use black beans!

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There is no need to take a ton of supplements. I know plenty of people who see great results just through diet. If you have your diet down and you have seen great results from that point. Now its time to venture into the supplement world. Way to many people get caught up on supplements, it is a supplement not a miracle drug.


If you are eating correctly a multi is useless and a waste of money. Get all your nutrients from your food.


Second protein shakes should only be used twice a day if that. Once after your workout and some other time. I do not recomend taking one before bed, if you do take it with milk or some kid of healthy fats. This will help slow down the absorption process. Protein products are predigestid peptides and will be broken down and used within 20 min of consumption.


Pre-workout product- now this is something i truly beleive in, mostly just because after years of working out it keeps me psyched to be in the gym. I recomend Scivation QUAKE. It is on the cheap side, contains everything you need including a FULL serving of creatine. Not 3gs like most pre workout products.


I have met the owner of scivation personally, he works out at my gym and he is a stand up guy. They can keep their prices down because they do very little marketing.

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Thanks, guy. Will do, Jlaw


Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal for breakfast. Chicken salad and muscle milk for lunch. Steak, potatoes, and carrots for dinner. Do that 3-4 times a week.


I'd have to force myself to eat this, but it doesn't sound that bad.

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If you have any questions about anything workout related just pm me.


I am a personal trainer, i have trained bodybuilders, power lifters, fitness models, athletes and people just looking to lose weight or gain muscle.


I am around and workout with well known people among the body building, powerlifting and precontest/diet community. So if there is a question that i dont know im sure they can answer it.

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Way to many people get caught up on supplements, it is a supplement not a miracle drug.


This!! Its like adding nitrous to a car. Yes its immediate speed but you need to build up your supporting mods to get the most out of it.


Shoot Bottlefed a PM he knows his stuff.

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creatine never really seems like it does much for me. i just do muscle milk 2 times a day on teh off day, and 3 times a day work out day. also, used Beverly protein with real good results. i was doing really good, then stopped for about 6 months, then recently just got back on.
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p90 x is awesome.....


For someone whos in decent shape, it is not for someone just starting out.



Unless you have the pockets for beverly products, i wouldnt use them. There are other good products out there that cost alot less.

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Supplements are just that, supplements. Eat healthy, with lots of protein. But remember your body can only absorb so much. My trainer told me to drink a glass of chocolate milk after a workout, it has the right about of carbs and sugar that you need and it also helps you to not be as sore afterwards.


I used to eat a banana and drink a protein breakfast shake for breakfast, eat a protein bar in between breakfast and lunch, have chicken for lunch, another protein bar in between lunch and dinner, and then eat a healthy dinner with vegetables and meat. I only drank water, vitamin water or gatoraid, and then chocolate milk after working out...and alcohol on the weekend :) Worked good for me until I got lazy and got out of my routine.

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Supplements are just that, supplements. Eat healthy, with lots of protein. But remember your body can only absorb so much. My trainer told me to drink a glass of chocolate milk after a workout, it has the right about of carbs and sugar that you need and it also helps you to not be as sore afterwards.


I used to eat a banana and drink a protein breakfast shake for breakfast, eat a protein bar in between breakfast and lunch, have chicken for lunch, another protein bar in between lunch and dinner, and then eat a healthy dinner with vegetables and meat. I only drank water, vitamin water or gatoraid, and then chocolate milk after working out...and alcohol on the weekend :) Worked good for me until I got lazy and got out of my routine.



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your sore due to the muscle fibers tearing. There is no way around that. Lots of water. figure one gram of protien for every pound you weigh and try eating 5 or 6 times a day.

Also sleep get at least 8 hours of sleep.

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Fish Oil


Lots of protein 1.5 grams for every pound of bodyfat a day is really good. I eat 6 eggs every morning 4 whites and 2 full eggs. This adds a ton of protein to your diet.


Glutamine will help with soreness and recovery.

Good night sleep every night.

I honestly have to say that my diet has helped me more than anything though. I was taking a ton of supps and didnt really see any difference except that I was lifting more and had more energy. As soon as I changed my diet then I started seeing changes in like 2 weeks.


The idea is to maintain in an anabolic state all day and not go catabolic (muscle wasting). You do this by eating 6-7 times a day and eating better food and smaller portions. Then you load up with carbs and proteing about an hour before you hit the gym. This fills you up with protein (food for your muscles basiclly) and carbs for the energy. Do the same within 30 min of your workout. You have a 30-45 min windo after your workout for this. I drink a proteing shake and eat a bannana before and after my workout.


Things like fish, tuna, shrimp, lean meat, Deli meat like ham and turkey are all really good for you diet.

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