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Birds and windows


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I was sitting here watching simpsons and it sounded like a gun went off. I look out my sliding door and see this guy taking his last few breaths. I didnt see what happened but apparently he went in for a fly by and the pattern was full....



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Heres a question, why is there a talking bear in the cleveland brown show? Because family guy has a talking dog?

Because he lives next door, dumbass. :rolleyes:




We have had a Robin attack our window. Did not die though.


I see see a bird cease to breath while sitting on a tree limb last summer. That fucker fell dead.



I was out in the garage the other day and kept hearing this tapping on what sounded like the rav in the driveway. I had the garage cracked open a foot and was able to peek through a crack in the door. I was expecting to catch some kids doing something stupid to my car or my neighbors, only to find a fucking robin sitting on the roof of the rav right behind the windshield attacking/pecking its reflection in the roof. After yelling and banging on the garage door, the fucker finally flew off. I just told the gf, "At least it wasn't a fucking woodpecker."


Can you see his impression on the glass? I've seen it happened twice, and you could see a ghost impression of the bird on the glass.


Like this:


That's pretty sweet. It's a little-known fact you can capture a bird's soul in glass. ;)

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