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Official PartyRocKrew Rally 2010 to Put In Bay!!!!!!!


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i'll be staying at whose ever place i crash at. that is of course assuming me and chris even make it back across, it's gotta be warmer then it was last time so we might just visit the monument :) oh and if i pass out on your floor i'll give ya some money in the morning :)


Rob, you and Chris Crash with Me and Phil... its where the Hotel after party is...

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where did you get your numbers?


oh and i got a story about our shirts, i got them in on friday and was so stoked i ripped em open and FUUUUUUUUUCK they say "I LOVE MY MOM" they sent the wrong ones. :(


Rob, call Art at Fastsigns - http://www.fastsigns.com

3496 W Dublin Granville Rd, Columbus - (614) 793-1996


LOL at your shirts being wrong.

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i think im going to have to call in sick on saturday and join you guys.


how much were the rooms at La Quinta?


168.99 plus tax




And rhett wtf u jus invite people to stay in our room? There's like 5 people already. Plus rob stinks like a mother fucker



Jkjk rob u can stay floors are everywhere I promis

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168.99 plus tax




And rhett wtf u jus invite people to stay in our room? There's like 5 people already. Plus rob stinks like a mother fucker



Jkjk rob u can stay floors are everywhere I promis


Its Rob man, gotta love him!

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Rob, you and Chris Crash with Me and Phil... its where the Hotel after party is...


sweet but i really don't see us leaving those bars at 12:30


Rob, call Art at Fastsigns - http://www.fastsigns.com

3496 W Dublin Granville Rd, Columbus - (614) 793-1996


LOL at your shirts being wrong.


i will dude i just called and it's $8 a number thats $50 next time i go to Mid-Ohio i'm stalking up on theirs lol


168.99 plus tax




And rhett wtf u jus invite people to stay in our room? There's like 5 people already. Plus rob stinks like a mother fucker



Jkjk rob u can stay floors are everywhere I promis


Ass.........and thanks i'll take you up on that if we make it back across

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Dude its X-mas in july there your not going to wanna leave the bar at 12:30


The last fairy leaves at 1.. hopefully if not its 1200... so that means were going to relocate on the main land. But I am soooo down to stay the night in Jail lol Free breakfast!

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The last fairy leaves at 1.. hopefully if not its 1200... so that means were going to relocate on the main land. But I am soooo down to stay the night in Jail lol Free breakfast!

As in free breakfast you mean yogurt and a piece of white bread go ahead lol

U wanna be a the little or big spoon? :lol: no homo


since im 6'3" ill be the big one lol

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Step 1. Mack on hoes. Pick a skank before 1130

Step 2. Convince hoes party in hotel will rock

Step 3. Buy hoe a drink, slip roofie catch as she falls

Step 4. Bring oe to the hotel

Step5. Have sex with limp lifeless body

Step 6. Bust nut take girl to closest 24 hr resturant

Step 7. Leave hoe at resturant fter getting food on hoes dime.

Step 8. Go to hotel pass out

Step 9. Leave island very fucking early

Step 10. Laugh with friends about suprise sexing a hoe that will feel used and nasty.




Final step







Blame everything on ben rothlesberger ! Win!

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I'm with Shanton on this. Catch that 12:30 boat and be done with the island. Bring that shit back with you or cut it off. If you don't have a hook up, that extra hour or 3 more than likely won't make the difference for you. Drunken left overs aren't worth the trouble.


First and for most, I say we look out for each other and go from there.

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I'm with Shanton on this. Catch that 12:30 boat and be done with the island. Bring that shit back with you or cut it off. If you don't have a hook up, that extra hour or 3 more than likely won't make the difference for you. Drunken left overs aren't worth the trouble.


First and for most, I say we look out for each other and go from there.


Definitely, last time we were there we about brawled twice.

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Definitely, last time we were there we about brawled twice.




I'm about bitches and money, that fighting shit is for little kids. You start fighting. I won't help you. I'm trying to get in sum thongs, not put in jail

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I'm about bitches and money, that fighting shit is for little kids. You start fighting. I won't help you. I'm trying to get in sum thongs, not put in jail


I'm in on that. I'm wingmanning this and looking for the craziness. You start shit, it's on you. But, I'm not letting someone get in a situation. That's all I'm saying.

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I'm in on that. I'm wingmanning this and looking for the craziness. You start shit, it's on you. But, I'm not letting someone get in a situation. That's all I'm saying.



Have you tried controlling some of these drunk meat heads? Pshh I'm 5'8 lol I'm not jumping in on that shit, bitches bitches bitches. Anything else is shannanigans

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