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Official PartyRocKrew Rally 2010 to Put In Bay!!!!!!!


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Phil, did you seriously just tell someone they need to learn to comprehend? You have been corrected no less than 4 times in this thread for asking questions that are CLEARLY posted. Such as, "Where's the after party?"

And then you seal the post by calling him a Newb. You're old school. Right? Be creative. Newb is so 2008 intraweb e worrier. And he joined on 2004, not 2007, like you.


Everyone is so hostile. This is a time to celebrate and share in some craziness. We are all looking forward to this and we will party together at a ridiculous level.


Good luck to everyone and my your cars run well and stay safe.

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Phil, did you seriously just tell someone they need to learn to comprehend? You have been corrected no less than 4 times in this thread for asking questions that are CLEARLY posted. Such as, "Where's the after party?"

And then you seal the post by calling him a Newb. You're old school. Right? Be creative. Newb is so 2008 intraweb e worrier. And he joined on 2004, not 2007, like you.


Everyone is so hostile. This is a time to celebrate and share in some craziness. We are all looking forward to this and we will party together at a ridiculous level.


Good luck to everyone and my your cars run well and stay safe.


This is a taco and burrito conversation.....NACHOES ! I saw all that I jus wanted to mess with him. Damd nerds always getting butt hurt online. I've decided I'm the coolest person here. Shanton is the smartest, rhett is a jerk off, paul is jus paul, miller is a cock tease, gabe is a closet heterosexual, and mojo.... well idk you yet so I have no comment. Tommorow should be intresting.......fag

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Im not sure where your at but If your closer to canal I got everything you need I even got a GM master mechanic in my toolbox :) we are having drinks at shades right now :) HTC if you need anything 614-332-1826


Good man, thanks :)


Car is taped up and tightened up everything's good to go. Time for bed.

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Team Corvette would like to wish everyone goodluck on the rally today. Godspeed




"welcome to my world, and the world of Redbull." lol


Hahaha, Nice vid Rob. Let's try not to repeat how it ended today, any of us!

And I hear ya on not sleeping. I mean after all, it is Xmas. lol



See you guys in a few.

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FUCK i wish I could have went, got my car back this morning. When I was driving back home I saw the yellow C6 and the supra, then about 5 min later saw the silver evo and black fox body. that's freaking awesome!



i was the dude in the silver 350 behind you guys for a little bit! 315 is a fun road!

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FUCK i wish I could have went, got my car back this morning. When I was driving back home I saw the yellow C6 and the supra, then about 5 min later saw the silver evo and black fox body. that's freaking awesome!

i was the dude in the silver 350 behind you guys for a little bit! 315 is a fun road!

there was no supra or evo in this rally....


We got some great pictures out of this. Be prepared to be put on Facebook and tagged!


hahaha awesome




i want to give a big thanks to shanton. you are the man! he was so detailed with this rally there were no issues . he had everything down to a t no issues . i had such a blast an hope to do this again with you next year.

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Butt fuk her inner pooper bwhjahahahahaha


Look at those two midgets fighting in her dress, mam in front of us has an ass on her


Let's tip these golf carts over


Peddle faster


I have a vett. No keys . Someone drive my to westerville its 3 am


Sir you are trespassing please leave, no I will not but I. Will leave lol


There's a fucking ihop around here somewhere. Haha


Zeebra print isn't for everyone, especially u mam.


Lol qoutes of the night

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