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Official PartyRocKrew Rally 2010 to Put In Bay!!!!!!!


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Its official, ill be at the best budget or sumtin like that in port clinton. There's like 7 people in my room but fuck it, after party at my place. Bring your own drinks I got the 151 and goose. Prolly gold schlagger and jager, but it'll be gone faster then it got there. I got a sick ass outfit. Cowboy boots and a belt. That's it, no sox no pants, giggity


I got the Jager, Captain, Jose on lock!

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Everyone is staying by the sandusky bay mang, dont you read the thread?...


What! I thought port clinton fuck I dodnt read the whole thread. I can cancel and move closer to everyone it don't matter.

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i'll be staying at whose ever place i crash at. that is of course assuming me and chris even make it back across, it's gotta be warmer then it was last time so we might just visit the monument :) oh and if i pass out on your floor i'll give ya some money in the morning :)
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Making a Custom Shirt right now... yeah it'll be SICK!


My shirt> yours bitch


I need numbers! Awwwww I need my car awwwww I need cocain awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ok maybe no cocain

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Just pick up numbers for the car. Shirts will be done today. And waiting for Fed Ex to drop off the fun.



New plugs and oil change.

Detail car and place #'s.

Set up camera mount


where did you get your numbers?


oh and i got a story about our shirts, i got them in on friday and was so stoked i ripped em open and FUUUUUUUUUCK they say "I LOVE MY MOM" they sent the wrong ones. :(

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