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yes thats my wife and i have many other pics from that shoot lol!







Can I has a link to all the pictures...

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it dont matter. they will bet we can just run! fun run. i know your new motor should be faster.


It's on the internet, I think we've all seen it.



damn all u lurkers stick to your own boards! lol anyway i aint some big sand baging street racer id rather have a good close race and lose, than lie to beat up on 12 sec cars.



Can I has a link to all the pictures...




didnt your dad ever tell you, if you play with it to much its gonna fall off? :bs:

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Dear Erica,


Do you wanna go fast?....... Or take it slow? i can accommodate both. Your gentleman is not a gentleman at all. I challenge him to a duel.


Best regards,



P.S. Do you make a good sammich?


I make a mean bowl of cereal!!!

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Dear Phil,


Please let me hook up with Erica and PIITB. We can still be friends. She will probably like it, then she will let you PIITB on future occasions. You can thank me later. This will also allow you to avoid a duel and prevent undue harm.





PS. Does she make a good sammich? Is your laundry clean on time, and without wrinkles? These are both very important questions.



Dear juicy,



Your my hero. I would greatly appreciate your sloppy seconds, wich in

This case are not sloppy at but more splendid seconds. From what I heard you the king of swing and would be honored to cum in after you.





Thanks phil




Ps I meant cum in literally, and I don't like sammiches. I want a good steak and some tators

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Dear juicy,



Your my hero. I would greatly appreciate your sloppy seconds, wich in

This case are not sloppy at but more splendid seconds. From what I heard you the king of swing and would be honored to cum in after you.





Thanks phil




Ps I meant cum in literally, and I don't like sammiches. I want a good steak and some tators


First off...I'm taken

Second...I'm happily taken

Third...I'm taken!!!



P.s. also, I'm not a very good cook sry!

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First off...I'm taken

Second...I'm happily taken

Third...I'm taken!!!



P.s. also, I'm not a very good cook sry!



the food network teaches, racheal ray makes it happen in 30 min. man vs food, it aint that hard. get to the kitchen women! jkjk im jus messin with you. but seriously, get to the kitchen women!

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why am i a lurker. what other forum. im confused. comeone i wana spank on some ls1. ill give u 5 cars. and pull the chute on you! its a lot of fun.


you knew i had a new motor but the more i think about it i believe your on esc also right? guessing thats where you saw it.


Eat Shit, Ricer.


pot meet kettle! shouldnt you be trying to figure out how to make that ls1 work instead of being on here? just stick to playing with the t errrr a gn. hahaha

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pot meet kettle! shouldnt you be trying to figure out how to make that ls1 work instead of being on here? just stick to playing with the t errrr a gn. hahaha


I wanna get the stall and gears done, then we will throw the power adder in the mix.


The T , I am gonna wait til WhiteT gets his all sorted, then copy.

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ready for a run at the next grudge racing in marion? is it this sat or the next one?


Your wife reminds me of a cheerleader I once met.




she was a ben-gal a couple years ago, if thats what your talking about. where did u meet her, do i know u?

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