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jammed my knee last night...


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trying to see if this could be something more serious that i can try to walk it off in a couple days, or if i should get in to see someone soon...maybe someone has had this happen before


long story short, last night after the fireworks, and after drinking for a bit, we were throwing a frisbee around, i was up on a hill, came running down in the dark, went to go take a step onto the flat parking lot...thought i judged it right, but apparently not. ground was about 6" lower than i thought. ended up extending my leg out, started to fall, but caught a post with my hand and kept myself up.


right away i had pain just below my right knee, on the outside...like right above my shin. i can walk on it, but it hurts a bit. if i step on something where my foot rotates a bit, it gives me a sharp pain


ive been icing it last night, and today, and i got an ace bandage wrap im going to put on it later.. i looked at both of my legs and it doesnt seem to be swole up any more than my left leg..


any idea? i dont know what kind of bone/muscle is right there on the outside of my leg right below my knee

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If you have insurance, I would go get it checked out. Better safe than sorry, plus you dont want to let it go and hen years later have it cause problems that wont be covered.


This. A good friend and co-worker of mine had a "pain" in his knee that at first was only a slight agitation after a sports related incident. (This was around a year or so back) He had been doing fine then at work he just twisted awkwardly and has been in horrid pain ever since when at the time of the injury it was just a dull throbbing pain. He got back from the doctors office as of last Tuesday I believe.


Turns out he has a piece of bone around the size of a dime floating in his knee and he's going to have to get surgery next Friday. I know this is an extreme example, but if you have insurance I would have it looked out when you can. You don't want to have to deal with any issues weeks/months/years down the road when it could have been addressed much sooner and prevent any possible further damage. Get it looked at yo.

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i have insurance, im just trying not to burn through it if i dont need to...they way my insurance is, it covers the first $1000 in a year, then i cover the next $750, then its 80/20. i dont want to go burn through a bunch of that or more for something that may go away in a couple days, then have something serious happen down the road and i have to spring cash that i may not have at the time


i'll see if i can get in to my dr office this week. i think urgent care would rape me, and i know a dr visit is <$100

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Go to ER, tell them you forgot your ID. Give them fake SS number. I was told by a friend who works at a hospital people do this all the time. Theres nothing they can do about it unless they find you later. I do not condone this behavior but you have to do what you have to do.:p
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i have insurance, im just trying not to burn through it if i dont need to...they way my insurance is, it covers the first $1000 in a year, then i cover the next $750, then its 80/20. i dont want to go burn through a bunch of that or more for something that may go away in a couple days, then have something serious happen down the road and i have to spring cash that i may not have at the time


i'll see if i can get in to my dr office this week. i think urgent care would rape me, and i know a dr visit is <$100


1. walk out in front of car

2. get lightly bumped by car

3. fall over in pain

4. call 911

5. ????

6. profit

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Homeowners insurance say a tree fell on you.


funny you say that, because i just took down a crab apple tree today, and another cluster fuck of a bush/tree thing in the other corner. thats what was hurting it the most, was when i was stepping on those apples and my foot twisted a bit.

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Go to ER, tell them you forgot your ID. Give them fake SS number. I was told by a friend who works at a hospital people do this all the time. Theres nothing they can do about it unless they find you later. I do not condone this behavior but you have to do what you have to do.:p

you are scum. honestly. smile face my taint.



list man let me sort you out. i had a whole smart ass thing typed out and then i lost it so here is the down and dirty


1 DONT go to the ER or your family MD. they will simply give you a referral to a specialist.


2 you cant walk on a broken knee so xrays and CTs dont do shit. Its ligament and tendons you are after and MRIs are the only way to see them.


3 ive heard of poeple taking 800mg of ibprofen every 8hrs untill the swelling goes( if you are in good health otherwise than the knee)


4 Rest Ice Compression and Elevation gets rid of swelling. NO HEAT.


5 get to an ortho. just go. Tuesday. crutches and ace untill then. if he wants to cut get a 2nd opinion before you commit. otrhos are surgeons and they solve problems through surgery. ask about physical therapy before cutting.


6 In the state of ohio you dont need an prescription to see physical therapy, but most insurace companies make you get one. PT will treat you if you pay out of pocket, but if you want insurance help you need a script from an MD. you could have stretched or torn ligaments or tendons. pt can help by strengthing the muscles around those injured ligaments and tendons. stuff works.


7 and for christ sake dont go to the internet for help. youll either get terrible solutions(see above) or the "well my moms sisters 17th cousins math tutors daughters conjoined twin sprained her knee sucking off a donkey". if you want solutions with out paying for it talk to a medical professional in a related fields. a cardiologist cant tell you shit about your knee and a nurse who works in endoscopy cant either.


if you need a name of a good ortho in central ohio pm me. other than that suck it up.

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you are scum. honestly. smile face my taint.



In an effort to avoid an e-battle based on on your inability to sense sarcasm, well I really dont need to say anything else, the post is sarcastic. And you do not know what you are talking about. I have been to the ER many times. Why would they send you away to go to a specialist unless it wasnt important enough to warrant being in the ER. And it is very difficult to get into a specialist without a referral and even if you could most insurance companies require it just as the DR does.

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Cut off your leg before its too late!!!!!


Or ice it and rest it. If it still hurts in a week go see your family doctor.


theres blood everywhere now. what do i do after the leg is gone? no pain in my knee, but my quads hurt like a motherfucker.


and to the long post, i was able to score some ibuprofen 800's from my g/fs mom, took one just a few minutes ago, had it in the ace wrap a couple hours, and going to ice it again when i get home. if this doesnt help by tuesday or wednesday, i'll hit up the dr.

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theres blood everywhere now. what do i do after the leg is gone? no pain in my knee, but my quads hurt like a motherfucker.


Most people I say that to dont have the balls to cut off a limb. The next step is to drink a beer and know for a fact that you are more awesome than 99% of the other people in this world.

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so i had it wrapped up since about 7pm, went out to watch the fights, took an ibuprofen 800 before going out, had a beer, feeling a little bit better. just got home and got the ice right on it and my leg raised up on some pillows..hopefully its better after sleeping tonight...i was wanting to go cycling monday, but this might hinder that. lol
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could be anything from a sprained MCL to a torn ACL/meniscus. if its no better after a week, get an MRI. dr. steensen will help you if you live on the west side 488-1816 if i recall, and dr. westerheide, or dr. martin if you're on the east side 759-1186. these are sports orthopedists who take care of athletes with knee/shoulder injuries. all 3 work with cardinal orthopedics, and will be able to handle any knee injury.
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could be anything from a sprained MCL to a torn ACL/meniscus. if its no better after a week, get an MRI. dr. steensen will help you if you live on the west side 488-1816 if i recall, and dr. westerheide, or dr. martin if you're on the east side 759-1186. these are sports orthopedists who take care of athletes with knee/shoulder injuries. all 3 work with cardinal orthopedics, and will be able to handle any knee injury.

I am seeing this new guy by the name of scott van aman I highly recommend him as well.

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thanks kirk. kinda what i was thinking i'd hear. it was hurting a little last night, but i took 800mg of iburprofen again, iced it for an hour or so, and went to bed. took some more ibuprofen this morning, and went out for a 58 mile bike ride. oddly, the ride didnt bother it at all.


hopefully it'll feel better in a few days...

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  • 3 weeks later...
could be anything from a sprained MCL to a torn ACL/meniscus. if its no better after a week, get an MRI. dr. steensen will help you if you live on the west side 488-1816 if i recall, and dr. westerheide, or dr. martin if you're on the east side 759-1186. these are sports orthopedists who take care of athletes with knee/shoulder injuries. all 3 work with cardinal orthopedics, and will be able to handle any knee injury.


went to the doctor after it was still hurting a week after i hurt myself...he said it seemed like strained muscle(s) on the outside front of my shin, took some xrays, said nothing broken. basically said to keep icing it and ibuprofen and to stay off it as much as possible. a week and a half later im about 98%. i really have to try to move my foot/leg in a way to make the muscle hurt.

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