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I'll probably be at the free show at the hotels friday night


The big spot used to be Brice road..... where else is popular now days. I am down for some night time cruise action this friday night.

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The big spot used to be Brice road..... where else is popular now days. I am down for some night time cruise action this friday night.


The cops will impound a car for squealing a tire these days, but the lots at the hotels at the continent are full on friday night and you basically get to see a lot of the show for free there. They cruise a bit, but nothing special

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Usually go with dad and little bro. This saturday though we're headed to southern Ohio to visit my great grandpa and celebrate his 100th b-day with him.


He "stole" his dad's Model T, drove it around the farm, and wrecked it pulling it back into the barn when he was a kid. Hahaha.

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That is better than any car show!


Haha. Thanks. And I agree. He walked into the DMV in West Union (where everyone knows him) and handed them his license last year (after great g-ma died) and said, "I suppose I don't really need this any longer." Did it with a smile too. Now he rides a scooter around town. Helmet and all. Hahaha.


Pastored 2 churches full time and had hundreds of acres of Tobacco farm. Retired from his last pastoring job at 95ish.


Played an original Stradivarius. He's known for his "fiddle playin'". lol That Stradivarius sold at auction about 7 years after he played it for $500K+.


Love that man. The stories he has...oh man. Still sharp as a whip too...when he's awake. lol


Sorry for the accidental threadjack. We now return you to your previously scheduled program. :)

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