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No one here knows what really happened, and going out saying he got what he deserved is extremely unintelligent and ignorant. I love how you guys also just add on stories. He was in jail for battery against a child, but all of a sudden the word rape shows up, and Not Brian added a nice sick little made up story behind it.


Yeah, if it was a fact that he did rape a 6 year old girl, then I dont feel sorry for him. Should he have received the money?.....I dont know, he isnt a legal resident of the US so I dont think so, but he could have been deported and did time in Mexico, but because of the way the system works, you spend the time where you did the crime. It is what it is.

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Guest tbutera2112
I don't get why you think this is fake. The blogger or whatever wrote two articles about the same guy. Read the shit you posted again. He's just got some boner for illegal immigrants.


And yes, all mexicans are child molesters. They raped my 6 year old and did stuff with her asshole. Fuck 'em all. Die die die die die die die 3 tasty meals a day.


i think its fake because it is fake.



you still havent provided one reputable source on it, no major news outlet carried this story anywhere, theres fake blog sites all over the web that carry this story with a CNN heading to make it look real, even though theyre not CNN affiliated at all....show me one ounce of proof that this thing legitimately happened, please



you take all this time defending child molesters, but you wont even take 5 mins to back up the story you supposedly feel so strong about, with facts.

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I could care less about anyones nationality, race, religion, or political views. If you are convicted of molesting a child or any other related act on a child. You should be locked up and forgotten or hung. Simple.


This story does sound fake.


Do you know how to stop the crime problem in this country? Put this sort of fear in people so they do not want to even think of doing anything close to criminal.


This country has become soft and the weak now. We starting to become a country of fat, lazy, i think i deserve this, TMZ is news kind of place. People don't want to hear the truth they want it sugar coated and dumbed down.


Not everybody can win a trophy, not everybody is a star, life sometimes fucking sucks and is not fair.


We need to stop treating convicted criminals like they are special, they are not. They did something wrong and should be punished not given extra chances.

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"He was jailed after a 6-year-old girl told her mother a stranger touched her over her clothes on her private parts at El Salvador Park in Santa Ana."


OMG, based on the testimony of a 6 year old, he may or may not have touched her over her clothes. But keep making up stories about rape guys. He deserves to have been beaten into a retard.

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"He was jailed after a 6-year-old girl told her mother a stranger touched her over her clothes on her private parts at El Salvador Park in Santa Ana."


OMG, based on the testimony of a 6 year old, he may or may not have touched her over her clothes. But keep making up stories about rape guys. He deserves to have been beaten into a retard.


You are a moron.


I have a six year old. He can tell me exactly what someone does around him. Remembering details about what a person was wearing. Would I take my sons word if he told me someone touched him. Hell yes I would. The guy would have also never been heard of or seen again. No trial. No law suit. Piece of shit would be pig food.

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Guest tbutera2112


that first link has 9 people listed as defendants *not including the county*, has no details about the case, and is pretty worthless in determining anything related to this article.


second link says there were 7 inmates (not 9), and is another article off of a site you already posted earlier in the thread, and one i do not believe to be reputable given what ive been searching for


youre telling me a case like this, has not made any coverage on any major news outlet (national, or local *besides your latimes site*) in 4 years??


youre telling me that sounds legit to you? no local cnn, fox, cbs, abc, etc etc etc, not one of them aired this story? local or national


it makes no sense that this would have no exposure



in all honesty, i hope im wrong and hope he really did get what he deserved....that pic in the second link you posted brings the lulz...bet he would keep his hands to himself had he known

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Guest tbutera2112
"He was jailed after a 6-year-old girl told her mother a stranger touched her over her clothes on her private parts at El Salvador Park in Santa Ana."


OMG, based on the testimony of a 6 year old, he may or may not have touched her over her clothes. But keep making up stories about rape guys. He deserves to have been beaten into a retard.


6 year olds dont make that shit up


and who cares if it was over the clothes? you dont put your hands on children like that, period.

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You are a moron.


I have a six year old. He can tell me exactly what someone does around him. Remembering details about what a person was wearing. Would I take my sons word if he told me someone touched him. Hell yes I would. The guy would have also never been heard of or seen again. No trial. No law suit. Piece of shit would be pig food.


For touching your son over his clothes you'd advocate death? Do I understand that right?

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6 year olds dont make that shit up


and who cares if it was over the clothes? you dont put your hands on children like that, period.


Eyewitness testimony is nearly worthless anyway, moreso if it's coming from children. Don't you remember the pagan sexual abuse trials from the 80s?


Who cares if it was over the clothes? Someone advocated the death penalty SHOULD care. These details matter. You don't put your hands on children like that, true, but if you do, we don't kill you. Or give you permanent brain damage.

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Guest tbutera2112
Eyewitness testimony is nearly worthless anyway, moreso if it's coming from children. Don't you remember the pagan sexual abuse trials from the 80s?


Who cares if it was over the clothes? Someone advocated the death penalty SHOULD care. These details matter. You don't put your hands on children like that, true, but if you do, we don't kill you. Or give you permanent brain damage.


but we should.



if there was no evidence and nothing to fall back on, why would the guy plea out of the charges? if hes innocent, and prosecution has nothing on him, theres no way he would plea....he saw a chance to get out with a lower punishment and he jumped on it


and no i dont remember those trials from the 80s, i wasnt alive then, hell i havent even heard of it till just now.

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Guest tbutera2112
2 kids, one on the way. I just know that knee-jerk vengeance is bad and has no place in sentencing.


IMO, we need more of this type of thing to happen, to pick up the slack in the justice system.

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2 kids, one on the way. I just know that knee-jerk vengeance is bad and has no place in sentencing.


Ok, so some guy sexually assaults one of your kids (but doesn't take their clothes off) you are gonna be Johnny Goodcitizen and calmly call police and sleep well at night knowing that our judicial system will give him the justice he deserves......

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So you'd rather live in a country where human beings are beaten to the point of brain damage without consequence?


eta: the case appears real:




no confirmation of the dollar amount, but it wouldn't surprise me. guy spent 5 months in the hospital.


you miss understood me, i am happy as hell he got his head smashed in, would be happier if they killed that piece of shit, what pisses me off is that they paid him afterwords for it.

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Ok, so some guy sexually assaults one of your kids (but doesn't take their clothes off) you are gonna be Johnny Goodcitizen and calmly call police and sleep well at night knowing that our judicial system will give him the justice he deserves......


Not sure how I'd react, but if the guy took a plea for a battery charge, I'd feel content that the punishment fit the crime. I guess it depends on how harmed my kid was, but I can't imagine they'd be suffering from PTSD or anything.

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